Chapter 5

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"Come here," the Kymari spoke in a soft voice. I eyed the bright orange berry held between two of his fingers from the arm of the couch. I had managed to coax myself this far for fruit, but the next piece was beyond the reach of my perch. My hunger reminded me of how desperately I wanted the bright berry, and I knew the Kymari would wait me out with their endless patience.

Chloe told me his name was Svin. He was part of the night guard for the city wall, which explained his schedule. After I glanced at the armor he scattered in the corner a few minutes ago after he arrived, I watched his green eyes as he looked down at me. "You can do it." A small smile shone on his face.

I slowly placed my uninjured paw on his leg, briefly amazed at the warmth that radiated through the cloth of his skin. I glanced at Svin, who remained frozen in place. After a pause, I extended my neck to its limit towards the delectable fruit.

My teeth gently pierced the orange skin, and I quickly retreated to the armrest and slowly savored the meal. When the last sliver of orange goodness disappeared down my throat, I looked towards the window. A dull light sat low on the western horizon. Sunrise was coming, but the call of the Morning Song barely reached my heart. What little radiated from the atmospheric reflection I struggled to comprehend.

I ignored the next berry offered to me and returned to the end table. I climbed onto the branch Svin had mounted onto the table for me and watched the horizon. Though just a simple curved piece of wood, the new table ornament also supported a curved piece of cork bark suspended by a rope. I had used it earlier, and my blood memories showed me that it was like what humans called a hammock.

Refocusing on the window, I shifted my wings under their binding and accidentally whimpered in confusion. The call I was feeling was a small part of the song, and without the power of the rest, I struggled to make sense of what I was supposed to do. I felt like a child lost in the woods with a map.

I squeaked and dug my claws into my perch as it moved. Once I regained my balance, I fearfully looked towards Svin, my ear tiffs pressed against my head. "Everything is fine," his gentle tone did little to calm my nerves, "I'm moving you to an eastern window."

I blinked as he carefully walked across the room, my branch barely moving with each of my footsteps. I looked up to the Kymari, but his sole focus was on watching where he was going. He barely breathed. The door opened automatically for him; he silently slipped out of the room, all the while holding my perch perfectly still.

I looked up and down the hallway, slightly dismayed that it was mostly empty. There was an unidentifiable plant in a pot in the bend of the corner down the hall. Otherwise, all the doors looked the same. I couldn't read the symbols on the doors either, but I assumed they were numbering the rooms.

Svin carefully used his elbow to push a button next to the door and a muffled chime resonated through the door. A faint voice responded, and the door opened into a room almost identical to Svin's but mirrored.

I squeaked and clung to my branch as a second Kymari entered my view. Though he clung to the edge of the room, the burly green giant was too close. I was barely comfortable with Svin's presence.

"You are safe," my Kymari caretaker voice did nothing to calm my ease.

My focus drew towards the window as the golden light called to me. I fidgeted as the call slowly strengthened. As the first notes sprang from my heart, Svin secured the branch to the table beneath the window.

The clear morning sky provided a simple tune, but I poured everything into the notes. I had missed many Morning Songs due to the drugs. Though my wings remained bound under the cloth, I still danced and rocked back and forth on my branch.

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