Chapter 4

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With a yawn, I slowly opened my eyes, relaxed from the warmth and my dreamless sleep. However, I froze as I realized the presence of the Kymari in the room. However, I relaxed when I heard his gentle snoring. He's just asleep. I sighed in relief and looked at his blanket-covered form. Obnoxiously, his head was on the armrest closest to me as he laid sprawled across the couch. I eyed his spaghetti-like dark green hair, then flinched as he released a murmuring exhalation. Thankfully, he remained asleep. Other than the armor scattered in the corner, the rest of the room remained unchanged.

As I regained control over my limp body, I noticed the now-filled food bowl. This time, the paste also had tiny slivers of fruit mixed in. I sniffed the fruity concoction and noted a slight metallic smell. A quick test of the water also resulted in an identical smell.

I tried to move my wings, only to notice that both felt encumbered. I with a blink, I looked at my back and noticed the cloth wrap that blanketed it. I didn't see a knot and flinched at the bitter taste as I bit into the cloth. I'm not going to chew through that. I eyed the fabric and restlessly shifted my wings, thankfully without much pain or any sense of weakness. I glanced at the sleeping Kymari, then decided against attempting to flame the dressing.

I panted slightly. I need to move; I am hot under this lamp. As I tried to stand, a groan escaped my lips. I froze and glanced at the man, grateful that he appeared asleep. When the pain-spots faded from my vision, I glanced at my left elbow, then paused as I noticed the stiff brace that kept it pinned closer to my chest. It probably isn't broken if I did not need a cast. I carefully evaluated the rest of my body, but other than a few spots with varying degrees of soreness, a broken claw, and a few scabs, I didn't notice any other injuries. At least that is good news, but I still need to get out of here.

I glanced around and evaluated my surroundings. Much to my surprise, I wasn't in a cage. A massive window behind me overlooked a wide tree-lined street several stories below. Even the trees looked small from the vantage point.

Overall, the apartment was small, with only four rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, what I assumed was a bedroom, and the largest room was the living area. Other than the coffee table, couch, and the table I rested on; the living space appeared undecorated. I don't see any places to hide, so sneaking out is not an option.

With a trembling pause, I managed to rise on my three good legs. I took a moment to use the litter tray on the far side of the table, then refocused on the rest of the room. After a bit of hesitation, I limped over to the edge of the table, then scrambled atop the back of the couch. Panting silently, I laid down and studied my captor. His short hair messily laid across his face like spilled burnt spaghetti. The muscular Kymari slept surprisingly soundly despite his feet dangling off of the far edge.

I glanced out the window and noted the midday sun as it gleamed through the glass patio doors. A small balcony with a few healthy plants was beyond the glass, but to my dismay, the window faced west. Also, I didn't see a way to open the door, despite my blood memories saying it could. Well, I guess I can't escape that way, and I have no idea how the main door opens either.

Suddenly, a bit of drowsiness washed over me, and the padded seat back was comfortable. I think the drugs are kicking in again. My scales had cooled, but I was still warm. However, I jumped as my guest's rhythmic breathing skipped with a sudden murmur. I thoughtlessly scrambled back to the heat lamp and laid down with my eyes closed. I haven't moved, I stayed right here, asleep.

As if my silent plea was a self-fulfilling prophecy, the sleepiness reemerged as my adrenaline plummeted. Soon, my energy levels followed suit. I nearly descended into the realm of dreams.

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