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Okay, so basically I am obsessed with AoS and specifically Fitzsimmons, and decided to do this rather than spend my time watching the series over and over and over and over. So yeah. Any suggestions are welcome.


Today is my 18th birthday. The age that I will be able to telepathically communicate with my soulmate. Well, as long as they have also had their 18th birthday. I always thought that I would try to communicate with whoever they are as soon as the day started, but for some reason, I've been putting it off all day. What if they are all the way on the other side of the world? That would be unfortunate. Or would it? I don't know. I'm so stressed that I can't even focus on anything but the anxiety of contacting my soulmate.

I walk down the now familiar halls of the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy of Science and Technology to Biology, my favorite class. Well technically, it isn't my favorite subject but it is my favorite class because my best friend, Jemma, is my lab partner. She hated me at first, but I think I finally got through to her. She is way smarter than me, but we work best together. She's going to know that somethings wrong as soon as she sees me.

When I get to the classroom, I see that I beat her, as usual. This is not good, because now I only have more time for the anxiety to build. I try to get rid of the thoughts by slightly banging my head against my intertwined fingers, but I'm careful to only use small movements to prevent drawing more attention than usual. Yeah, that's right, I get a lot of attention. It comes with being the most popular and youngest to enter the Academy. Well, second youngest. It's a good thing pretty much everyone here is socially awkward, because if not, I don't think I would be able to handle the attention."

"Fitz! Happy birthday!" I hear a cheerful Brit say behind me. I force a smile and turn towards my best friend. "What's wrong? You look like you just found out Christmas is canceled,"

Told you she would notice. "Do I really look that bad?" I say with a frown

"No!" Jemma almost shouts too quickly, "Well, you don't look bad, exactly, but we've been friends for almost a year and I know you. Really it's almost creepy how well I've grown to know you in such a short amount of time."

I let out a short chuckle and just nod, knowing she will understand that I feel the same. 

"So what's wrong with you?" I rub my hands across my face, trying to find the right way to tell her about my dilemma. "Wait, I think I know. You talked to your soulmate and didn't like what you heard."

"I wish. At least then I would have answers."

"So you didn't get a response? That's okay. It just means your older than them,"

"No, Simmons. I haven't even tried,"

"What? What do you mean you haven't tried? You have to!"

"I'm too scared, Jemma. What if I don't like what I hear, or they don't. What if they're a supervillain, or some-some horror movie? What if-"

"Fitz, please. If I know anything, and I am top of the class, it's that your soulmate could never be evil. You are the kindest person I have ever met, and you are always putting others first. Because you love, Fitz."

"But what if I put this hypothetical evil person before everyone else because I love them, and someone gets hurt? What if I'm not good? What if I'm just like my father?" I watch as Jemma's face softens.

"I don't know what your father did to you, just that he hurt you. I know that you would never purposefully hurt someone that close to you. And I don't think you could love someone who wants to put your friends and family in danger. Are you ever going to tell me what happened with your father?"

"Someday, Jemma. Someday."

"Well, you know you can always talk to me, right?" She looks deep into my eyes and I know she is serious and wants to know. I can't tell her though. It hurts too much.

"Yeah. I know. Thanks, Simmons." I pull her into a hug and relax at her touch. She pulls away too quickly, but keeps her hands on my shoulders. 

"Now," she says using her "I'm the boss and you better do what I say, or else" voice, "you better try or I am going to literally scream." I take in a deep breath and close my eyes trying to focus on reaching out, picturing a feminine silhouette.

Hello? My name is Leopold Fitz, but everyone just calls me Fitz. Is anyone there?

I panic at the sound of silence and try to refocus.

Hello? Can anyone hear me? Am I doing this wrong?

No answer. I open my eyes in frustration and see Simmons face with an expectant look on it.

"So? Anything?"

"Nope. Just silence." I see her face fall for a split second before fixing her smile, trying not to look too disappointed for my benefit.

"Well, that's okay, right? As I said, they're probably just younger than you. It happens all the time," I know she's right, but I've already waited 18 years. Why do I have to wait longer? At least I had my birthday to look forward to before. Now, I have no idea when I will know who my soulmate is.


So, that's the first chapter. What do you think? Is it good? Decent enough? Suggestions are welcome!


Psychically Linked: A Fitzsimmons Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now