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Plasma county a place where a teen girl takes what's hers and doesn't wait around. Will that give her good fortune or bring upon something she doesn't desire, and then again a good story should leave you wanting more from it. Should make your mind turn and think about your own endings for it, and wanting it to go your way. Say the writer is trying to sell it she would work hard for it to end in the way the reader wants it to. I'm not saying the writer isn't writing what he or she wants but I'm saying that sometimes the writer is unsatisfied. Now hear me out if this is the writer's job she needs to write something that sells but say her editor wants her to rewrite it.(I'm using a female writer because I'm female.) But she wrote something from the heart written beautifully, and now here's the good part even if it's written well it's not in market at the moment so she has to write. Now she has to write it to fit the best selling because the book let's say has a 30% chance of actually being well, because of the odd's she has to rewrite it. 

Unfair isn't it but then again you would have never known that me Kayla G. Bailey Would be writing in a dairy I got for Christmas this year. It's nothing special just a note book you can get from your local Walmart on discount right after back to school. By the look of it I'm guessing she got this a few years back and took it right out the attic, and when I unwrapped it I could tell by the look on my uncle's face that they weren't expecting me to come home. I'm thankful for the book though even if I wasn't wanted there they tried to make me even less wanted like they could've just given me a plate of food and told me they didn't want me. that would've made it hurt a little less. I drove all the way here from my house I wasn't expecting a welcome home celebration but I wasn't expecting to see Kelly with Jeremiah either I guess today is full of surprises. 

Life can be so predicated and other times you don't even know what's happening around; but for example I know after we finish a subject in school we have a big test on it. The test might include other thing's we've learned just to refresh our memory but what if life was like that after we fully know something the ends and outs of it. What if we get tested on the in real life? well I was and let me tell you what I always said  on how id react was a lie I react a completely different.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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