I checked the time and saw it was 7:25. He was gonna be here at 7:30 so i decided to go wait for him outside. 

Ellie wished me good luck and i tiptoed out of the my room.

 I peaked around the corner to see if anyone was there and just like Mason and i discussed, the rest of the boys seemed occupied and in their rooms. 

Mason was in the kitchen but he winked at me and turned away like he didn't even see me. 

I quietly walked out of the front door and saw Chris waiting for me across the the street. He smiled when he saw me and i smiled back. 

"You look beautiful" he told me. 

I blushed and thanked him. He was holding a big bag which seemed to contain a blanket and a few other items i couldn't make out.

 We began walking to our surprise destination. 

He tried to make small talk and we talked about school and family. I learned that he had a little sister named Addi. 

Before i knew it we were at a large grass field away from everything. No one was there but us and it was getting dark.

 I wondered if i was gonna get murdered like in the movies. 

He seemed to tell i was nervous "I was thinking to have a picnic" he said.

 I sighed with relief "A picnic seems nice, but this dark?" 

He grinned "Just look up". 

I did what he said and looked up. My jaw dropped. It was incredible. There were hundreds and hundreds of bright stars and a few meteors going by. 

"This is the most beautiful thing ive ever seen" I told him. We set up the blanket in the grass and got out the food. 

He made us sandwiches. We lyed down on the blanket. 

"Do you come here a lot?" i asked him curiously. 

"Nah only once in a while when i wanna get away from... all the pressure and people? Sorry that might sound weird" he looked down.

 "No no i understand where you're coming from. I feel that way sometimes. Its not weird at all" I assured him.

 He smiled at me and we sat in silence for a few minutes just watching the stars. 

I decided to break the silence "Does this happen every night?"

 "No I wish. This only happens every 200 years. Crazy right?"

 I was shocked. The amount of stars in the sky DID seem unnatural so i should've guessed it wasn't an every night occurrence. 

We sat in silence for a few more moments. 

"So you have brothers huh?" he chuckled "How many?"

 I didn't want to tell him but i decided too "I have 4" 

"So. I should probably be scared right?" he laughed. I just gently punched him in the arm and laughed along with him. 

We went on talking like that for who knows how long when he said "Lily i have something for you. Just a late Christmas present" and he pulled out a small bag and handed it to me.

 I looked inside and pulled out a small ring. It had a silver band engraved with small rhinestones going all around. It was gorgeous. 

"Chris i cant except this-" but i was cut off 

"I know we have only known each other for 5 months but over that period of time i've grown to like you more and more. You are so beautiful inside and out and you are such an incredible person. I got you this promise ring and i promise to always be there for you if you will have me. Lily Hayes, will you be my girlfriend?"

 "Chris that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Of course ill be your girlfriend" I told him starting to tear up. 

We finished the food and i checked my phone only to realize it died "Hey Chris what time is it?" i asked. 

"Oh um let me check. Its 9:15. We should probably head back" 

We packed up the blanket and walked back.

 When we were about to turn onto my street i stopped him "I can walk the rest of the way home. I don't want my brothers to see you or you're dead". 

He agreed and right before we parted ways, he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and he started to walk in the other direction to his home. 

I turned onto my street thinking about what an incredible day this was. 

I was so happy. 

But all that happiness was crushed and replaced with pure fear when i walked up the driveway and was met by all 6 of my brothers and cousins angry faces...

I worked all day on this chapter and im exhausted. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Ive gotten a few DMs asking how old i was and im just gonna answer it here. So i just turned 13 a few days ago. Ive never written a story before so sorry if this book probably sucks. Stay safe you guys ily! 

Xoxo, Rose :)

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