POEM 16: A Single Part

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I've been cringing since twilight
Very afraid when you're out of sight
I want to see you until the last glow of light
Then embrace you 'til the rise of daylight.

Everything I do is not worth noticing
For I am just a bullet stone for shooting
To a target like you that is bedazzling
And here I am, only imagining.

This love I have is piously just for you
Because seeing you is like a deja vu
It could have happened in the past scenario
In the Middle Age wherein it's only me and you.

Stepping forward, I am not a coward
If I want you then I will go forward
I don't care if I have to walk a millions of yard
And even you have a hundreds of guards.

I will win your heart
Even if I am not fit in your cart
For I am only dying to get your heart
Then we could be a single part.

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