POEM 18: Invisible

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The game was played
There in the corner,  I stayed.
Judging eyes belittled me
For I didn't know how to play.

My classmates were making fun of me
Planning mockery to laugh at me
I thought they wanted to help me
But instead,  they kept on degrading me.

I was ashamed of me
Wishing the earth could swallow me
The grade was 60-0
And no one's there to be my hero.

As I watched them playing
I can see that they're enjoying
In the corner,  I am standing
And deep inside,  I am breaking.

They play because they're capable
Passing, dribbling, and shooting the ball
While I am here can not able
Wishing that I'm just an invisible.

The Wordsmith's PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon