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"It's been four years already and you're still a freeloader." Hoshi flicks Mingyu's forehead, He's laying on the couch.

Yes. It's been four years for them. Teen, Age already have their own jobs out of their group. Easy to say, they have disbanded.

Mingyu is now a known model and a public personality. Hoshi and Seokmin are still in the entertainment industry while Vernon owns a clothing line.

"Don't you have an interview today? For that magazine?" Hoshi asks, hands on his waist.

"Just a few more minutes. I'm actually waiting for Vernon, he'll accompany me there."

Not that long and after more arguments with Hoshi, Vernon came and throws himself on the couch beside Mingyu.

"Come on, Hansol. Let's go. Hoshi hyung hates visitors today." Mingyu left the couch while making a face.

"Is Jihoon hyung not a visitor?" Hansol raises a question as another figure enters the flat.

Jihoon looks at them confused as to their eyes all on him. "What?"

"Ohhhh." Mingyu starts dragging Vernon. "Let's go. We might ruin the moment if we stay longer."

"Don't you dare come back Kim Mingyu."


"How was your life being a model now? Not Teen, Age's Kim Mingyu?" Vernon asks as he watches Mingyu drives.

The tall guy shrugs. "Still the same. My schedule is not that tight but it's pretty fine. How about you?"

"Just like the same." He answers as he diverts his gaze into the car's window.

"I told you, I can model for your clothing line for free!"

"Maybe next time. Jun hyung sells pretty well." Vernon chuckles.

"Hmmm. How about dating Minghao? Is it going well?"

Vernon can't hide his smile when he nods. "We're doing well, I guess? He helps me a lot coming up with new ideas for another collection."

"I see." Mingyu mumbles.

It's been years and everyone's been doing fine. Getting their own jobs but they still stay intact with each other.

Still, no one has heard about Seungkwan. To where he is or what he is doing. Even Chan can't get a hold of him. And they thought that what he just said back then might be true, that Seungkwan left for good.

They enter the studio and greets every staff. Mingyu was instructed to proceed to the make-up room while Vernon stayed on standby.

Mingyu sits on one of the stool and that's the only time he realizes that there is another person with him.

And he hates it already.

Because it is Wonwoo.

"I forgot that I'm shooting with a partner today. How unlucky it was you." Mingyu runs his fingers through his hair.

"Let's not talk throughout the shoot if I'm really bothering you." Wonwoo said without glancing at him, busy scrolling through his phone.

"I heard Jun rejected a role because he has to work with you? Dude, I will do the same."

"Then quit this shoot if you want." Wonwoo finally lifts his head and gazes at Mingyu with a sly smile.

Mingyu didn't respond. He might lose his control if he does. Throughout those years, they still believe it was Wonwoo's whole fault why Seungkwan left.

After minutes of silence, one of the staff gets in and fixes their make-up. They change clothes before proceeding back to the studio.

It took them an hour when the short shoot ends. Everyone praises them for their good work.

Vernon lends a bottle of water on Mingyu and tosses one for Wonwoo.

"Thanks." Wonwoo replies blandly.

Vernon nods at the older and proceeds beside Mingyu. "One of the staff told me that you still have an interview?"

Mingyu nods. "It'll be short, I guess."

"I'm not in a hurry, don't worry."

Mingyu smiles at him when one of the staffs approaches them. They were guided to one side of the studio where a table and two chairs were already arranged.

"The editor will conduct the interview and he'll come in any minute. Sorry if you have to wait." The staff bowed at them before leaving.

Wonwoo sighs and checks his watch. "I still have a shoot in an hour."

"Bad for you?" Mingyu intervenes. "But I guess you won't get in trouble since most of the directors favour you. What a good shit." He adds, sounding sarcastic while laughing.

"Can you shut up-"

"Sorry for waiting. Are you two ready?"

They both glance ahead.

Mingyu almost skips a breath while Wonwoo freezes on his position.

"Mr. Boo, here's your coffee." One of the staff offers the drink and the editor gladly took it.

He sits on the empty chair in front of Wonwoo and Mingyu while fixing his specs.

Wonwoo almost tears up, he couldn't even move a muscle as he was staring at him. He was wearing this pastel pink short sleeve polo tucked in in white slack pants. His brown hair neatly styled with a portion of his forehead peeking.

His heartbeat went crazy just by staring at him. All those years he was looking for him, he's finally in front of him looking fine. Those eyes, nose and plump lips, every detail of him that he can't even wipe out from his memories. He misses seeing it up close. It felt like a dream to him that his hands were trembling in excitement and grief.


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