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"Where did you get the car?" Seungkwan raised a question while watching Wonwoo drive.

Eventually, the party went on and Minghao requested for Seungkwan to take a rest so Wonwoo's taking him back to their unit.

"My dad has a spare so I asked if I can have it."

"You told me your family's not well and now you just convinced your father to give you a spare car?"

Wonwoo shrugged off and Seungkwan just rolled his eyes.

They reached the apartment building in no time. Wonwoo parked his car then he walked inside the building with Seungkwan.

The whole ride was silent. Also, the whole elevator ride was silent too.

They reached their unit and Seungkwan was the one who opened the door. He ran towards the couch and threw himself on it. He spread his arms wide and closed his eyes. "I'm tired."

Wonwoo closed the door and walked inside. "You hungry?"

Seungkwan sat up and stick his lower lip out. He then shook his head. "Not really. I just want to rest."

Wonwoo nodded. "Then go, rest."

Seungkwan stayed on the couch and stare at Wonwoo with a pouty face. "Can you make coffee?"


"Nevermind." Seungkwan stood up and proceed to the kitchen. "I'll go make one for myself-"

"No. Stay there. I will make one for you."

Seungkwan faced Wonwoo and he's now smiling from ear to ear. "You sure?"


"Thank you!"

Seungkwan goes back to the couch and not that long after, Wonwoo sat beside him with two cups of coffee.

The older grabbed the remote control and turned on the television.

Seungkwan lifted his cup and blew on it before taking a sip.

"Where did you get the scar on your forehead?"

Seungkwan flinched and placed the cup on the table then consciously fixed his hair to cover his forehead. "Oh.. It's ugly, right?"

"I didn't say it was ugly. I'm just asking where did you get it."

"Just from an accident years ago." Seungkwan laughed awkwardly. "How did you see it?"

"Earlier, when Chan checked your head for bleeding. They look really worried about you."

"Well, I'm their friend. It's pretty normal.." Seungkwan mumbled. "Also, why did you punch Taegun? You didn't really have to do that..

"He's annoying."

"Pfft. Fine. But well, I agree. I hate bullies."

"Oh, is that so? I do too. They are disgusting." Wonwoo agreed. "But what you did was brave."

"What thing?"

"With how you disclosed it. You did the right thing. He got the punishment he deserved." Wonwoo said. "You were brave."

Seungkwan fiddled with his fingers. "I wish I was like that years ago. With that, I would probably be living a better life."

Wonwoo remained silent. He watched Seungkwan played with the cup with his fingers.

"If I was brave back then, I wouldn't get this ugly scar here.." he said while rubbing the obvious line of a scar on his forehead.

Seungkwan immediately laughed at the thought and wore a cheerful smile. "Too much info."

"Whatever it is that you two have.. just don't hurt him. Seungkwan has suffered enough already."

Did something happen? Wonwoo spaced out for a short time and shook off the thought. It doesn't concern me. I'm not supposed to think of that.

He brushed off the upcoming questions inside his head and face Seungkwan.

As Wonwoo stared at him, he got to admit that Seungkwan is pretty cute. Particularly when he's smiling. He has those plump pinkish lips that for some reason, he wanted to taste again.

"Hey, Seungkwan. Your cut's bleeding again."

Seungkwan panicked suddenly so he really doesn't know what to do. Should I get cotton? A cloth? Clean it with water-

He froze on his spot when Wonwoo held his chin and closed the gap between their lips. His eyes blinked in surprise, also, he felt how Wonwoo's nibbling and sucking his lower lip. Seungkwan pushed Wonwoo lightly, to get some space. "H-hey, that's pretty unhygienic.."

Wonwoo stared at his lips and turned back his gaze into his eyes with a grin. "Well, it's quite effective. Bleeding's gone."

"Uh.. thank you..?"

Wonwoo chuckled and grasped on Seungkwan's waist. He brought him to his lap and pulled him closer to make their body in contact. "Now, I can kiss you, right?"

Seungkwan didn't have time to answer because Wonwoo claimed his lips once again. He responded this time and he ignored the stinging on his lips and just go with the flow.

Seungkwan felt Wonwoo grabbed his bottom as he stood up. He wrapped his legs on Wonwoo's waist and hooked his arms around his nape without pulling off from the kisses.

Wonwoo started walking and Seungkwan didn't really mind when his back hit a hard wall. It turned out to be a door and he noticed it when Wonwoo pulled away. The older opened the door and walked inside.

"Hyung, can we not do it in my room? It's really hard to clean up." Seungkwan said when he finally noticed that Wonwoo took him to his room.

Wonwoo chuckled as he laid Seungkwan down on the bed. "Sorry, we're not doing any of your fantasies tonight. I brought you here so you can rest."


Wonwoo grinned and gave Seungkwan a quick peck on the lips before heading back to the door. "Good night. Let's save your strength for the next days so we can get rough."

Seungkwan's about to speak but Wonwoo already left, shutting the door close.

"Fuck." Seungkwan threw the pillow on the door. "Why does he have to tease me like that?!"

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