(That doesn't make sense. Sure, maybe he wants to save me for last for his own reasons. But I know his secret. I could tell everyone.) Purple's expression started to turn sad. "Why do you trust me not to tell them?"

The look on her face pained him for some reason. He was rather close to her too. His grip loosened a bit. "Why...would you defend a murderer? I killed so many. Even on other ships." His head sulked onto her shoulder as he bitterly laughed, "I don't get it. I know you wouldn't tell anyone, but it doesn't matter. Mostly everyone's dead. Those who are alive know."

She could feel his breathing. She was starting to get chills. This is the one who could easily kill her at any second if he chose to, and he was so close to her. He was talking to her. "You already know why. It's because I love you. Even if you wanted me to leave you alone I can't do that."

"You...." He looked at her in the eyes. His teeth gritted due to his conflict. "I guess I can't resist you, now can I?"

Her fragrance was irresistible. Not in a way he'd want to consume her. Those eyes of her glimmered as he stared into them. Softly, her kissed her as his hand was put behind her head.

Purple didn't try to push him away. Her mind was racing. (Is there really no way for us to be happy together? Will it keep going on like this?)

His lips parted from hers for a few moments. His arms wrapped around her tightly. "I was supposed to say it first. I do love you too...Like I have known you longer than I realized. Why does it hurt so badly?"

"You are going to keep going, won't you?" She asked. "Are you going to kill them still? Even though you love me?"

"Shush. Please." He ended up kissing her again. He doesn't know what to do with himself. The answer for that, he truly doesn't know. He's come this far... But what should he do now?

He stopped again. "How could you forgive me so easily?" He kept giving her kisses on her face. "Why....? Can't you hate me? It would be easier.."

Purple involuntarily giggled a little due to him kissing her face. "I...just can't do that. I can't see what you've done when I look at you. The only thing I can see is your personality that I can't help but love."

He sighed as he shook his head. (Just let me have this moment... Please... I don't have much time.)


Black and Yellow were heading toward the Cafeteria. They were almost to emergency button, but Black collapsed. His hand covered his wound. The bullet's edge was on the side of his head. He felt dizzy as his vision started to fade on and off. "Ugh...."

"H-hey!" Yellow ran to his side and put her hand on his back. "We're almost there! You can make it!"

His body weight made him slump to the floor. He started coughing out blood. There were signs of internal hemorrhaging. "No, Yellow. Go without me. I'm not going to make it."

She shook her head. "No way! There's no point in going if you don't come with me!"

Black weakly smiled. "I kept you safe. That's all that matters." He winced as he was in a lot of pain. "You need to stay alive. I...don't mind dying for you."

"Shhhh." She took her helmet off to reveal that she was tearing up. She helped him to take his off too and set it aside. "I'll stay here with you. I don't care what happens but you aren't going to be alone right now."

"Yellow..." He frowned due to the sight of her crying. "I.. Ugh." His hand kept wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry to do this, but it hurts me to see you this way." He went to retract his hand. He felt a bit self-conscious with his face being revealed. He wonders if she expected him to look different.

The Ones Among Us (Red x Pink, Purple x White, Yellow x Black)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن