Overworked (edited)

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The elevator doors finally slide open and Morgan steps out, a coffee cup in each hand. Peppermint floods his senses and makes his eyes water and he's really wishing he had stuck to Reid's usual black coffee with 6 sugars. But it's a special thank you so he had taken the extra step. He props the glass door with his foot and steps in, heading to Reid's desk only to see he's not there yet. He's never not been there when Morgan got in.

Morgan stops at his own desk to place his coffee and bag and then he walks over to Reid's desk. His bag is there, thrown under the desk as it usually is. A Doctor Who mug sits just to the right of a capped pen but the coffee looks like it's long since cold. He's about ready to yell for Hotch that Reid's missing but the older agent is at his side before he can.

"He never signed out last night or in this morning. I'm about to ask Garcia to check the cameras as soon as she gets in."

"Have her trace his phone first. If he's out by choice he'd know to bring his phone and if he isn't he'd at least try to bring it."

"Good point." Hotch pauses, a clear sign that he's as worried as Morgan but trying not to show it. "He's alright. Probably just forgot to sign out last night and came in early and decided to... go for a walk... in the rain... at 8 in the morning... without his umbrella." His face is losing its firmness, worry slowly filling his eyes.

"Hotch, you're spiraling. He probably just went to the library and got lost in a book. If Garcia can't trace his phone we'll go there first." Morgan does his best to sound reassuring he's beginning to panic as well. Luckily, Garcia comes into the room with her signature smile and a cookies and cream coffee that's more a milkshake than anything else.

"Good morning, gorgeous men." She steps right up between them and then frowns. "Where's my baby? I made him muffins because he said he'd never had one and they're still warm."

"We were hoping you'd help find him. He hasn't signed in or out and his bag's still here." Morgan runs a hand over her back, hopping to ease the stress.

"Oh, my God. Hold this," she passes her drink to Hotch who fumbles to catch it but doesn't let it spill. She grabs her phone and taps it a few times. "His phone is in the building. Is that good or bad? Good or bad? Someone tell me right now."

"We don't know, sweetness. When was the last time you guys saw or heard from him?" He's really starting to panic now.

"Uh, yesterday he called me. I think it was around 5:30, and he told me the package I ordered had arrived and was sitting in my office. I thanked him and that was it."

"Okay, 5:30? He texted me at 6 and said he did some of the files I had sitting on my desk because he knew I have to leave early today. I asked him how many 'some' meant and he said all of them. Like, all 15 files I had for the entire day. I bought him a coffee, some seasonal peppermint mocha or something, to thank him."

"Alright, well, that means he was here until at least 6 and I didn't hear anything from him after work. Is there anyone he would've contacted after 6?" Hotch crossed his arms over his chest.

They stood in silence until Garcia clapped. "Henry! He tells Henry a bedtime story every night over the phone! He said he used to listen to a book on tape every night and he wanted Henry to be able to experience that without having to listen to some random stranger's voice. I don't know what time but I know that he wouldn't miss it for the world. Where's JJ? JJ!" Garcia calls out as JJ enters the room.

JJ hurries over, sensing the panic in Garcia's voice. "What? What's wrong? Where's Reid?"

"Penelope said that Reid calls you every night to tell Henry a story? Did he call you last night?"

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