Sleep Deprived Spencer

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Derek woke up somewhat late in the morning while Reid was already awake laying on Derek, they cuddled up against each other, sharing each others body heat. While Derek was whispering sweet nothings in Reid's ear. "I love you, Derek. I know in the future our wedding will be wonderful and our children will thrive." Reid says while kissing Derek's cheek. "Aw baby, You are what makes my heart beat, without you I would die. So you need to take better care of yourself for our future, I will be there to help you." Reid smiles sleepily and snuggles into Derek's neck. "I never want this to end." 

*phone rings*
"Well baby I guess it has to end for now, Hotch is calling me."

At the office

It'd been a long night in the office and Reid had barely gotten any sleep within the last few weeks, barely managing a few hours a night and he struggled to stay awake at his own desk. He knew the bags under his eyes would just grow darker after tonight but it was inevitable, he knew he would just grow more tired with every case that caused him to stay later than most of his coworkers. While Derek would try to force him home with no avail.

Spencer removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose before pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes, letting out a stifled sigh. He sat there with his hands in his eyes for a moment before removing them and replacing his glasses. He was poring over the case files again, hoping for his tired mind to connect something that he somehow hadn't done hours before when he was more lively than he was now.

He was one of the only people who really stayed late anymore, despite him being the youngest. Anyone who wasn't in the FBI or didn't know Reid semi-personally would assume that since he's the youngest, he'd leave the earliest or something of the sort but he was quite the opposite. He didn't mind staying late anymore, despite how it was impacting his sleep schedule.

The case that he was working on was a fairly difficult one that nobody could crack so far. Garcia had been working on it for days and had no leads, not even virtually. Yes, sure had everyone else, but nobody stayed late other than him and PG; the two even stay later than Hotch does.

He wasn't going to discredit anyone since some of them did come in early but so did Reid. He stayed late as well, putting his whole day into this case.

Sure, others in the bau have something to do or something to attend to after work. Hotch had a family, Morgan is being Morgan trying to get him home to coddle him and pamper him for eternity, and nobody really wants to spend days and nights at the office unless absolutely necessary. So far, nothing about the case was proving any urgency since the attacks have been every month-ish, short a few days sometimes.

The unsub was more difficult than most they had faced and they barely had a profile, much less suspects. All they could scoop together was that they took their victims from bars and clubs before raping, strangling, and drowning them. They then buried them in flower boxes and fields in the middle of the night, most likely trying to frame somebody else for their own crimes. Definitely not a confident or narcissistic killer.

The worst part about the case is that you couldn't even tell what was going on until it was too late.

Spencer eventually closed the file, exhausted, which could be recognized from a) his body language, b) the bags under his eyes, and c) the fact that he'd almost fallen asleep at his desk numerous times.

He wasn't going to give up for the night, just getting coffee. It was probably just going to get him going for an hour and then make him feel like absolute shit afterwards but any hour towards the case would hopefully prove to be crucial.

The lanky man got up and headed towards where the coffee machine was housed and the pot that was there was cold. Eugh.

He put coffee into the machine and then a filter before adding coffee grounds. He then started the machine and stood around, waiting for the machine to finish brewing.

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