
After the ceremony ended, everyone moved inside to the party hall, Taeyong immediately looking for Jaehyun in the big crowd, looking around and seeing a lot of familiar faces.
WinWin and Yuta dancing to the music happily, Ten and Johnny giggling at something Johnny said, and lastly Haechan and Mark standing by the snacks holding hands and chatting with surprisingly the Art teacher who also attended with Mr. Jeon.
Taeyong saw everyone but the one person he was anxiously looking for, his heart deflating with sadness. Not giving up on searching he kept looking around till something covered his eyes, more like someone. Reaching up he touched what was covering his eyes.
"Where you looking for me, love?" said a husky voice while chuckling lightly.
"Jaehyunnie!" Taeyong exclaimed happily removing his hand, turning around and looking up at Jaehyun, throwing himself at the other.
"Did you miss me that badly?" Jaehyun asked catching Taeyong and holding onto him.
"Yes I did!" Taeyong said kissing the others cheek
"Taeyong you look absolutely beautiful tonight" Jaehyun said tugging on Taeyong's suit sleeve and then placing his other hand on Taeyong's cheek caressing it gently.
"And you look dashing" Taeyong replied placing his hand on Jaehyun's waistcoat.
"Let's dance" Jaehyun said, a slow song playing in the background.
They headed to the dance floor where they spotted Taeil and Doyoung, smiling at each other laughing, and accidentally bumping into Haechan and Mark who were spinning rapidly to the music.

Jaehyun offered his hand which Taeyong took gladly, moving close to Jaehyun, smiling up at the taller Taeyong then rested his head on the others chest, hearing his rapid heart beat while swaying to the music letting Jaehyun lead.
"Yongie can i tell you something?" Jaehyun asked, his voice soothing, earning a nod from Taeyong.
"Today when you were walking down the aisle with my hyung, you looked so breathtaking, i couldn't help but picture you and me together, our future. How beautiful you would look walking down towards me. I want us to have a life together. Living happily." Jaehyun said, each word making Taeyong's heart skip a beat.

Looking up Taeyong's eyes were glassy, his heart beating rapidly at the confession leaving Jaehyun.
"Jaehyunnie I want us to live happily too, so badly" Taeyong couldn't help but be at loss of words, so he did what felt right and pulled Jaehyun into a deep kiss, in the middle of the dance floor.

"Love birds!" Ten exclaimed, surprising them, "Doyoung's gonna toss the bouquet, come on Taeyong" he said pulling Taeyong away to which Jaehyun waved lightly while staying back with Johnny.
"So when are you gonna ask him?" Johnny said shoving Jaehyun lightly with his elbow.
"Tonight during the fireworks" Jaehyun said fidgeting with something in his vest pocket.

"Okay everyone, get ready!" announced Doyoung his back turned to the crowd, his arms swinging above his head, suit glinting and clinking lightly, before tossing the bouquet, everyone's hands reaching up, and to everyone's surprise, it landed on Taeyong's head and bounced onto his hands. Taeyong smiled widely happy to have won.
"I win" he said lightly not noticing everyone's reactions.
"OH SNAP?!!" Jungwoo screamed, and cheered loudly.
"YAY!! TAEYONG!" he screamed and jumped happily while holding Haechan and Lucas's hands
"What's happening?" Taeyong asked confused looking at Ten who had his hand over his mouth in shock.
"Who caught it?" asked Doyoung looking around to see Taeyong holding it and immediately covered his smile and after looked at Taeil who was also shocked.
"Taeyong if you catch the bouquet, it's said that you are the next to get married" WinWin chimed in clapping happily.
Taeyong immediately looked at the bouquet and his face flushed a deep red. Looking around he made eye contact with Jaehyun who smiled at him and clapped.

After an hour, the music stopped abruptly and everyone looked to where Doyoung and Taeil stood at the center stage, Taeil's hand held by Doyoung who was radiating happiness. Taeil tapped the mic in his hand and his voice echoed through the room.
"Thank you all for joining us, we would ask you to please step out and enjoy the fireworks we have prepared"

Everyone cheered and slowly walked out to the garden, as soon as they were all out side the sky light up. Taeyong immediately ran up to Jaehyun who looked at the other with honey dripping from his eyes.
"Jaehyunnie! Do you see how pretty?!" Taeyong cheered his eyes literally glowing with happiness while watching the fireworks.
"Very pretty" Jaehyun said smiling while looking at Taeyong, his Taeyong.

Taeyong looked at Jaehyun noticing how he kept staring at him, smiling lightly he touched his face nervously.
"Is there something on my face?" He asked hint of embarrassment on his voice.
"Yes" Jaehyun said reaching forward and caressed his cheek, moving closer and finally closing their distance, Taeyong immediately melted into the kiss, his hands wrapping around Jaehyun's neck while the other wrapped them around the smaller's waist. The kiss became heated, both separated gasping for air and Taeyong spoke up
"I literally saw fireworks" making Jaehyun laugh and hug the smaller who chuckled into the hug.

"Taeyong you are the most important person to me, I mean besides my Doyoung hyung. I probably have already told you this but don't think I have ever met anyone like you, I love the way you smile, they way you fidget with your hoodies nervously, your beautiful laugh, just everything about you! I can't see myself with anyone else ever, so I have been thinking a lot recently and I know our hyungs are gonna be together a lot and Doyoung hyung is gonna go live with Taeil hyung, and I was wondering....." Jaehyun said while putting his hand on his neck smiling awkwardly before digging in his vest pocket and pulling out a key chain with a little tag on it and a brass key.
"Would you like to move in with me?"
Taeyong stayed silent his mind processing everything,
"You don't have to! It's totally up to you!.... but Doyoung hyung already filed the paper work and the apartment is in my name and everything is officially"
Taeyong smiled and hugged Jaehyun, leaving butterfly kisses along his face.
"Jaehyunnie of course I want to live with you! I Love You So Much!!" Taeyong said, making Jaehyun grin excitedly, his dimples on display.
"My Taeyongie I Love You So Much More" Jaehyun answered back giving him one last kiss before both held hands and watched the fireworks happily.

Taeyong looked up at Jaehyun, admiring how beautiful the other was, his smile making Taeyong's heart flutter.
"This is all I  have ever wanted, never did I imagine myself with someone like Jaehyun, every moment that we went through and shared has led up to this, it doesn't seem that long ago that we got off on the wrong foot and now here we are. I'm so happy with Jaehyun and I hope the future for us is smooth sailing"  Taeyong thought to himself, his emotions running wild. Grabbing onto Jaehyun's vest he leaned into him and he felt Jaehyun place a soft and warm kiss on his head.
"This is just the beginning for us" Jaehyun said softly to which Taeyong nodded happily.

~The End~

~The final chapter, What did everyone think ?

I want to thank everyone that has put up with my slow updates and read my story, all of you guys reading and commenting have motivated me to keep going so thank you
(I literally got so nervous posting this chapter)

Now that my Jaeyong story is done I can finally start on my JohnTen story! I hope you guys enjoy it as well! The Character Chapter should be up! 🎉

Now that my Jaeyong story is done I can finally start on my JohnTen story! I hope you guys enjoy it as well! The Character Chapter should be up! 🎉

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