Game Plan

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The episode opens up on where the previous one left off. Tari, Alyx, and Theo all head back into Ultra Jump Mania, so that Theo could return back home.

"I guess you're back home, Theo.", Tari said. "I don't wanna go back!", Theo told her.

"You saw yourself glitching out. It's not safe for you to stay in our world.", Alyx said. "I've had so much fun being with you guys, Tari and Alyx.", Theo said.

"We can't risk anything happening to you.", Tari said. "I'll miss you, Tari and Alyx.", Theo said, sadly.

"Don't worry, Theo. Me and Tari will still come and visit you from time to time.", Alyx reassured him. Suddenly, the trio spot another Theo staring at them.

Soon, the game starts to glitch out and Tari, Alyx, and Theo are all returned back to the real world. "Are you guys okay?", Sofia asked.

"What the hell just happened?", Lamar asked. "I think the game just kicked us out.", Tari said.

"That's because this Ultra Jump Mania game already had it's own Theo. So, when it saw that Theo, it didn't know what to do.", Sofia explained. "Does this mean I get to stay here with you guys?", Theo asked.

"No. This means you have to get back into your own cartridge.", Masa replied. "But, Theo's original cartridge is all the way back at the speed running arena.", Alyx said.

"Knowing Lucks, he'd definitely would of taken it back to TASCorp.", Sofia said. "Well, that makes things a little harder.", Lamar said.

"Sofia, Alyx, do you two remember "Operation: Silent Demon"?", Masa asked. "Wait, you don't mean-", Alyx started to said, before Lamar cut her off.

"Oh, hell no! I'm gonna stop you right there, Masa. We were gonna train Tari and get her to join the team.", Lamar told Masa. "And how exactly do you expect to get Theo's cartridge back just by getting Tari to join?", Masa asked him.

"It's a lot safer than going on that near impossible suicide mission!", Lamar said. "Lamar's right! It's too dangerous!", Alyx added.

"After seeing what these two are capable of, I don't think it's impossible at all. Besides, with Alyx on our side, we can accomplish it.", Masa told them. "Plus, the longer we wait, the riskier it is for Theo to stay in our world.", Sofia added.

"E-Excuse me? But, what is "Operation: Silent Demon" exactly?", Tari asked, confused. "Let's talk about this in the morning.", Masa said.

Back at TASCorp, Belle has found a strange video recording regarding both Tari's special abilities. "Dr. Sheridan, here. And this is an update on Project Blue.", Dr. Sheridan reported.

He was the one who created Project Blue (and possibly the mysterious Project Infinite), too. However, something ended up going wrong.

"Oh god no! Oh no, no, no, no, no! Shut off! Shut off!", Dr. Sheridan shouted out. "DOCTOR! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!", Lucinia exclaimed.

Suddenly, the entire building exploded with both Dr. Sheridan and Lucinia inside. "That voice...", Belle said, as she started to have a nervous breakdown.

In the morning, everyone was enjoying some ramen, when Sofia suddenly pulled up a holographic image. "Alright. It's time to get to work.", Masa said.

"It's been a whole year since we formed MD-5 and found Alyx. We've tried tirelessly to disrupt and take down the evil TASCorp.", Sofia explained. "But, no matter how hard we try and fight, Lucks and TASCorp always come out scot free. And even though we have Luck's daughter on our side, that's still not enough to expose Luck's crimes. That was until we came up with "Operation: Silent Demon".", Masa said.

"Here we go...", Lamar just said, as he rolled his eyes. This causes Alyx to elbow him, which made Lamar shut up.

"We hack into TASCorp's network and get access to their private files and records. Showing that kind of evidence to the general public would completely ruin Lucks and his company.", Masa continued. "But, the problem is that TASCorp's security system is super tight. I've discovered that there is a way to get in, though. A huge underground E-Sports competition is coming up. It won't be broadcasted to the public and, more importantly, TASCorp will be running the game on their servers.", Sofia said.

"What does that mean, though?", Tari asked, confused. "It means that, if the game crashes at any point in the competition, the servers will go down too. Which will give Sofia a small window to hack into their network.", Alyx answered.

"Exactly! There's a glitch that we could execute that should do the trick.", Sofia said. "And that's exactly why this is a dumb idea.", Lamar said.

"Tari, that ability to go inside video games. That lets you see things others can't. Right?", Masa asked. "Well, I haven't completely figured it out. But, when I think of a goal or a task, I can see the path to complete it.", Tari told him.

"So, when the servers go down and I hack into TASCorp's network, I'll be able to extract all their information.", Sofia said. "Not only will this bring an end to TASCorp, but we'll also be able to source the info on Theo's cartridge.", Masa added.

"So, I play a video game, execute a glitch, and we take down TASCorp?", Tari asked. "Yep! And don't worry! I'll help you out while we're in there, too.", Alyx replied.

"That sounds fun!", Theo commented. "Alright! Let's do it!", Tari said, with a confident smile.

Meanwhile, Belle and Lucks were both busy with the information Belle found about Project Blue. Now, Lucks fully understood as to how Dr. Sheridan had died.

"So, that's what happened to Dr. Sheridan. I thought he blew that lab up intentionally.", Lucks said. "Did you hear that voice in the background? It's Lucinia! All this time we thought she was missing, when she really... GOD DAMN IT!! How did we not know about any of this?!", Belle shouted out, as she was having another nervous breakdown.

"I've never heard of this Project Blue before.", Lucks said. "Me neither. Also, I found this, while I was searching the lab. It was called, "Project Infinite". But, when I looked through it, there was nothing in there. It was like all it's important documents we're erased.", Belle added, as she showed Lucks some info on Project Infinite.

"Hmm... Interesting. We'll have to look into that later, but right now lets focus of what we have so far on Project Blue.", Lucks said. Then, information regarding Project Blue soon appeared on screen, as the episode ends.

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