Chapter 4

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 You opened your eyes awakening from the deep slumber you were in. "Y/n!" Kirishima  yelled. Bakugo punched him the arm. "Would you shut the hell up. She probably doesn't want to be yelled at." Bakugo sat down in front of you. "What happened?" He looked at you slightly concerned. "You don't remember? You passed out again. This time you had a bloody nose." You groaned. "Again. It's getting worse." Kirishima sat down next to Bakugo. "Is there something your not telling us Y/n." You looked at them clearly very annoyed. "No, and if there was I wouldn't tell you. I met you two a couple of days ago. I only know that I started getting head aches around the time I turned 18. At first it was only head aches. Then I started fainting when it got really bad. They usually don't happen this close together. I've never gotten a bloody nose from it."

Bakugo stood up. "We are going to see Jiro when we get to the damn nerds kingdom. Shes this weird ass doctor witch something. Honestly I could care less what she does. All I know is that she could tell you whats wrong." You sighed. "Thanks for the offer but I'm good." He laughed a little. "You are traveling with us. We don't need you to slow us down again. So yeah you are going. You don't have a choice."

  Since you had fainted you hadn't arrived the kingdom until the afternoon. The village was full of happy and smiling people. "Ugh, I hate the nerds stupid ass kingdom." You elbowed Kirishima. "What does he have against this Deku person?" Kirishima shook his head. "Deku is Prince Midoriya. They used to be friends but over the years Bakugo was pressured a lot to be the best king. His parents were constantly nagging him. He feels like the only way he can please his parents is to be the best. Bakugo is also a big hot head. So the pressure got to him. He became angrier at the world. I mean I don't blame him. Imagine being pressured to be the best. Prince Midoriya tried his best to help Bakugo but he pushed him away. I'm really the only person Bakugo has left." As you listened you understood Bakugo more and more. You were also a very big hot head when you wanted to be. You also felt pressured to be a good daughter. Maybe you and Bakugo understood each other more than you had thought.

You dropped the subject after Kirishima explained who Deku was. "So...who needs the stone? It's a pretty dangerous item to get." Kirishima smiled. "Bakugo sees Queen Midoriya as an Aunt. There parents have know each other for years. So Bakugo has known her since he was born. He will do anything for her. She really wanted new jewelry so Bakugo offered to find the stone. She is giving him money in exchange. He didn't want to take it at first but she insisted."

You starred at Bakugo for a minute and smiled. You knew that Bakugo had some good in him. "Are you extras coming or what?" Bakugo yelled at the both of you. You and Kiri walked faster and stood next to Bakugo as you approached the beautiful castle.

 You and Kiri walked faster and stood next to Bakugo as you approached the beautiful castle

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I forgot that it was Halloween! I will post on Tuesday of this week. However after Tuesday I will post every Wednesday. I plan on making long chapters, so that will take a while. Thank you for reading my fic you wonderful muffins!<3

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