Chapter 18

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The morning light shinned through the window waking you up from your slumber. You rolled over and realized you were back in bed and Bakugou was on the floor. "Was that a dream?" You said to yourself. Bakugou was fast asleep and you couldn't help but stare at him. He looked...peaceful which was an unusual sight. You laid back down and stared at the ceiling. "Alright Y/n no more crying and worrying over this. You can't do anything to change it. I just need to focus on the present not the future, and who knows we are going to see those mages. Maybe they will know how to help, until then focus on the good not the bad." After you gave yourself a peptalk you sat up and got out of bed. You walked to the bathroom across the hall and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were a little puffy and dried tears were covering your cheeks. You splashed your face water and walked out of your room to Kiris. You knocked on the door and Kirishima opened. "Goodmorning Y/n! How did you sleep? I hope Bakugou didn't cause any problems. I heard some yelling from your room." You shrugged. "Oh yeah. Just a bit of a disagreement that was all. I slept quiet well actually. Bakugou is still out like a light but I was kind of afraid to wake him." Kirishima laughed. "Don't worry y/n I can go get him up." 

Kiri walked into your room leaving you alone in the hallway. You were fine for a moment but you became dizzy again. You leaned against the wall hardly being able to see anything. Your ears rung and you felt like you were falling. Blood fell from your nose and you quickly wiped it away. In a few seconds you felt better but to you it felt a lot longer. Bakugou and Kirishima walked out and you quickly stood up straight. "So you guys ready to get going?" You asked. They both could tell something was off but didn't bring it up. It was obvious you didn't want to acknowledge it. "Yeah whatever. Lets get this shit over and done with."Bakugou said and walked past you. Kirishima followed behind him. 

The three of you walked towards the castle for what seemed like ages. The village was overcrowded and it made you uncomfortable. "Oi keep up n/n! I'm not looking for you if you get lost in this bigass crowd." You huffed. "Even if I did get lost I wouldn't need you to find me." He rolled his eyes and kept walking. Kiri could tell you were trying your best. He put out his arm. "Here hold onto me. I don't like crowds either. Its like the buddy system." He smiled and laughed. You smiled and grabbed his arm. You felt a lot less anxious. Bakugou looked next to him which is usually where you or Kirishima would be. He worried for a minute before turning around. He saw you and Kiri walking together. He clenched his mouth trying not to say something stupid. "Dumbass walk faster I'm not looking for one of you let alone both." He kind of wished that was him you were holding on to.....ONLY because he doesn't trust other reason of course.

Finally you arrived. The castle was towering over the entire village. You were pretty sure it was bigger than the village. "The Todorokis are the most rich and famous royal family in the country." Kirishima said. "Why are we here exactly. I know Bakugou did something but what did he do?" Kirishima sighed. "The two families were in a meeting to discuss a treaty between them. Bakugou flipped out over something Prince Shoto said. He threatened to burn their entire kingdom to the ground and slaughter the whole family. Bakugou stormed out before anyone could say anything. The Todorokis took that as a serious threat and here we are. They were all on good terms until that. Now there have been multiple threats back in forth but nothing has happened. Eventually Queen Mitsuki ordered Bakugou to apologize or else. Damn that women is scary. It shouldn't take too long. Bakugou may have to discuss things privately without us but thats nothing unusual." You tried to contain your laughter. "Of course Bakugou would be the person to cause war." Bakugou turned around. "What the hell did you say about me!" You giggled "Ohhh nothinggg."

The guards hesitantly let you in and led you down the long and massive hallways. You arrived in the throne room. The room was decorated with the colors red and white and a long carpet extended to the two thrones. "Wait here the king and queen will be out soon." You looked is amazement. "How the hell did they build this?" You said to yourself. After a few moment the doors opened and two people walked in. A tall and buff red headed man walked in while a beautiful white haired woman walked next to him holding his arm. While he stood up straight and walked with pride she seemed more reserved and timid. It was King Enji and Queen Rei. You and kiri bowed while Bakugou stayed standing you hit him in the gut causing him to bend over in pain. He gave you a look and you gave one back. 

Once they sat down the red headed man began to speak. "Prince Katsuki Bakugou. You know you are not welcome here. Why have you stepped foot in my Kingdom along with your friends?" He said with a disgusted face. Bakugou scoffed. "Don't think I want to be here. I was sent to-" He stopped talking and breathed deeply. "Apologize." King Engi laughed. "And what makes you think I'm going to forgive you? You threaten my Kingdom. I could have you thrown in the dungeon alone with your friends. Actually, I think I might will. Guards!" King Enji called out. Gaurds came into the room and surroned you. Queen Rei looked visibly upset. She almost said something but he shot her a look and she slumped back down. Fear went across your face as Bakugou and the guards began to fight. You tried to help but one grabbed your hair pulling you back and grabbing you arms. Kiri was quickly hit over the head and fell to the ground since they were aware he could change into a dragon. Anger filled your whole body. Seeing them hurt Bakugou and Kirishima. You watched as the guards began tackling Bakugou to the ground. Your blood was boiling and you became so angry that something shot out of your hands throwing the guard that was holding your arms across the room. You moved your hand towards the guards on top of Bakugou and they want flying. Everyone looked at you in amazement. 

More guards poured into the room and you began fighting them with your powers? Is that what they are? Welp that is what we are calling them. The king and queen were led out safety as you and Bakugou were trying to be apprehended. Bakugou got close to you and you were fighting back to back both trying to keep kiri and each other safe. Before you knew it your vision started giving out then you ears and soon your body. Blood poured out of your nose and ears and you collapsed into Bakugous arms. "Shit y/n!" He yelled. The guards came closer to him slowly. They were afraid you would wake up. Bakugou wanted to fight but all he could think about was you. He shook you and slapped your face trying to get you to wake up. They surrounded Bakugou and hit him in the back of the head knocking him out cold.

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