chapter 1

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Izuku Pov

Okay lets recap shall we im living a happy happy life i have my friends supporting me and and a girlfirend ochako uraraka she confessed to me after the sport festival(the USJ didn't happen yet)anyhow a few weeks ago me and shoto my best friend/brother walked ti the movies to see a new film but before we got there a villain attacked we took him down but Shoto got hit by a quirk so i rushed him to the dorms sadly his room was locked so i let him sleep in my bed and because it was cold i slept next to him the next morning i felt something soft hugging me and as a reaction i hugged back the warm and comfortable object but what confused me was the two massive soft and warm circles pressing against my chest .My hand subconsciencly grabbed something and i heard a high pitch eep along with what felt smooth like silk ,soft like a cloud and it smelt like vanilla i loved it .however when i opened my eyes i saw a really hot bicolor haired girl in shotos stead.She opened her eyes to see me blushing and when i asked who she was she said shoto but when i showed her her reflection she screamed shoto became a girl recovery girl said it was irreversable and because of that sho got depressed i hated seeing her like that and i felt an urge too protect her .We went to shop for clothes for her hundreds of dudes flirted with herand i nearly killed them in seconds we got the clothes and went to the dormsshe was afriad when the class found outkatsuki tried hitting on her and i kicked his ass to hell.We all went to sleep Sho was still sad and slept with me i let it but i was bblushing a lot i mean i saw her as a girl nowi cant see shoto the boy anymore but i still loved it she wasso comfy and warm to sleep with unlike uraraka the last time we slept next to each other i flet like i was hugging an ogre she even snored Sho was so quiet and peaceful Aizawa saw how she was comfortabole with me and decided that we'd share the same room and so we slept next to eachother everyday and i began to fall for her but sadly when i tried telling uraraka that i ddin;t like her and wanted to end our relationship but she didn't listen and now were dating in secret.Now i am currently walking the halls to class i can feel like today will be a great day.

oh boy was i wrong

As soon as i entered the class i was attacked my entire class turned on me except for some like momo ,Kirishima,Shoto,Tokoyami and Jiro.Aaoyama fired a navel laser at me sending me to the wall ,mina fired her acid at meburning my eyes blinding me ,katsukisent a massive explosion to my gut sending me to the roof Uraraka grabbed my arm and made me fly to the roof and the class sent non stop attacks breaking my bones  burning me up i felt like i was dying not long after the door opened aizawa saw me and ran to my aid reprememnding the class but then Nezu walked in "principle whats going on"i asked "hmm dont act dumm you sick bastard i know what you did we all do you betrayed UA ,tried to have us killed,gave stain my brothers name and skills so he could be killed and it was you who told kai chisaki about the heroes and you saved night eye just to hide all this WE SHOULD KILL YOU"shouted Iida as he sent arecipro burst kick to me head shattering my cheek bones.I was in tears how could they belive this "where is the proof"i asked when nezu got an ipad out showing me a video of me in my hero suit stillg files multiple times but then i noticed that in the mirror my so called self melted and became himiko toga  i was enraged and began laughing"hehehe HHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA"i laughed like i. was insane scaring some but what made them start shaking was my deranged look in my eyes All Might walked up to me and said "im very disapointed Midoriya i belived you could be a hero but i was wrong your mother would be ashamed "what did he know of my mother"my mother"i quetioned him "yes she and i are in a relationship"he said smiling i was even more angry this bastard is laying his filthy hands on my angel of a mother "leave my mother alone all might"i said in anger he then punched me in my already destroyed gut "shut it boy you dont deserve her love now i'll be taking back whats mine and giving it to Togata"he said before i responded"big bro is a real hero unlike you i wont let you give your tainted quirk to him he's to good for it give it to the shit stain bakugo"i said as he got angry lifted me in the air and slammed me through a table suddenly the door opened and tokoyami,kirishima,jiro and shoto entered the room and they ran to me checking to see if i was alright .All Might took my heair and gave it to katsuki he ate it with a smirk they kept critizing and telling me horrid things but i didn't say anything"whats wrong aren't you gonna deny it"nezu asked before i looked up smirking"no see if the worlds.  smartest rat can't see the truth then these dumbasses can't either and one more thing all might if i find out you made my mother hurt in anyway i'll ome back and tear your throat out and stick it up your ass"izuku said scaring everyone he turned to his friends and Shoto and said"i'll be back guys i promise and tokoyami good luck with pony my friend "izuku said as the group cried and hugged izuku then pulled back and kissed momo and jiro on the forehead bro hugged with tokoyami and dark shadow and finally kissed shoto on the lips she blushed bright red and snuggled into his chest Uraraka tried pulling her away saying that i was evil and katsuki loved her but she didn't let go "tokoyami i trust you to protect the group especially sho from katsuki and please help my mother raise Eri Sho"izuku said as she nodded sadly .Aizawa hugged me to swearing that he'd get me out and i trusted him since i saw him like a farther "i'll be waiting "i told aizawa while being taken away and put on a plane before it left all might asked "any last words villain"anger clear in his eyes before i smirked and said"yeah whats your e mail so i can send pictures of me and nana. only with her legs open and me inbetween fucking her brains out"all migh got even angrier but detransformed when since aizawa used his quirk on him and he put his fum up to me saying good job as i left.

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