Chapter 10

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                It has been two months since I moved in with Sebastian. To my surprise, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Seb didn't just treat Jasmine nicely... he treated me nicely too. He even apologized to me again. I forgave him and I think it's safe to say that he had gained my trust back.

                 We had our nice little routine. Even if he had nothing during the morning, Sebastian would wake up at the same time as me and make breakfast with me. Since Jasmine was already over nine months, she was already eating solids, even though I would breastfeed her occasionally. Once I would be done eating, Seb would always feed the baby while I got ready to get to work. He would also change her and have her stroller ready by the door, but he would only put her in at the last minute. That man was really attached to his daughter.

                Currently it was a Saturday and it was the middle of the night. I wasn't falling asleep so I decided to go fix myself a cup of tea in the kitchen. I make my way to the kitchen in nothing but my panties and a shirt I stole from Sebastian. Once I arrived there, I saw that Sebastian was already there.


"Y/N... did I wake you up? I'm sorry if-"

"It's ok. I couldn't sleep anyway. I just came to fix myself a cup of tea."

"You look tired... how long has it been since you've actually slept?"

"I don't know... been having a few sleepless nights lately."

"Oh... I'm gonna go back to my room so you can have some peace."

"Please stay, I'd like some company."

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude..."

"It's ok."


               I smiled at him and he smiled back. I filled the kettle and put it on the stove. I sat back down beside Sebastian.

"Is that my shirt you're wearing?"


"Well, it looks good on you. You should keep it."

              I blushed to the roots of my hair, but I managed to mutter a quick thank you. Thank God the kettle started making noise. I was getting up when I felt Sebastian's hand on my arm.

"Don't get up, I'll do it."

"Seb, you don't have to. I'm perfectly able to do it myself."

"I know, but I want to take care of you. You do so much for our daughter, and me, so this is the least I can do... especially at this time of the night."

"Ok... thanks, Seb, I really appreciate it."

              Sebastian filled the mug I had set aside and handed it to me. Instead of sitting down, he just looked at me.

"Hey, why don't you let me rub your back while you drink your tea?"

"Rub my back?!?"

"Yeah... it will help you relax and then you'll fall asleep easier."

"O-okay.", I stuttered.

             This would be the first time he would be touching me in a way that wasn't a hug. I was a little afraid, but curious at the same time.

"Let's go to the couch. It's better."

                 We made our way to the couch and I sat down. I felt the couch sink and soon felt his chest near my back. Sebastian put my hair to the side and it sent shivers through my body. It's like his touch was charged with a million volts. He began to softly rub my back. He worked from my sacral all the way up to my neck. I had to keep stifling the moans that threatened to escape my mouth. His hands were good... way too good. Unfortunately, it was over way before I wanted it to be.

"Feel better?", he whispered as he arranged my hair back to how it was.

              His hands were on my hips and his face was dangerously close to mine. I could feel his breath on my neck. My heart started beating like crazy. It took all the strength I had not to turn my head. This man was starting to affect me more than I liked. This couldn't happen right now. I couldn't let someone into my life... especially Seb.

"I- I do. I was going to check on Jasmine, do you want to come with me?"

"Sure. Let me just take your mug to the kitchen."

              I handed him my mug and he went back to the kitchen. He was back in no time. I stood up and he grabbed my hand. I was going to pull away, but it actually felt good.

"I like the way your hand fits in mine.", he said.

              All I could do was blush. We finally made it to Jasmine's room and I quietly opened the door. We made our way inside... my hand still in his. We approached her crib and Seb let go of my hand only to wrap his arm around me.

"She's beautiful. We have a beautiful daughter."

"Yeah... she's absolutely perfect."

"We'd make such a cute couple, you know?"

"What?!?", I whisper shouted as I turned to face him.

"Look at us... we're basically a couple already. We live together and raise a baby together. What more do you need?"

            Love. I violently blushed and let go of his embrace. I couldn't do this. I couldn't let my hopes get too high. Even though I hated it, Sebastian was starting to grow on me, but the chances of him feeling the same were slim to none. 

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