Chapter 10: "I just want to believe in me.."

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"Jason get out!" I yelled. He, without asking why, left. I was so confused, mad, and overwhelmed. He dared to kiss me, to kiss my horrible, ugly face that is attached to my even worse body. Why did he did it?

I suddenly woke up, the day after, I found myself laying on the floor,my wrist still red, everything ached. I didn't realised what had happened yesterday, I couldn't understand... Jason kissed me and said that I was perfect...I just can't...It is hard to think for my best, for my so called health. My desire is to be thin and perfect, his desires... I don't know what they are. 

*Jason's point of view*

Demi, she is just so complicated, her mental disorders have gone so out of control, she needs help...It is time to tell someone and get more help.

I got to my house as fast as possible, finding my mom cooking something new, like she is always doing. "Hey mom, can I tell you something...I need some help" I said as I walked towards the chairs in the dining room. My mother responded "What is going on Jason? Is something wrong?". I went on telling her everything that has happened, as I went on her face started changing to almost crying. When I finished she said "We'll talk to her mom and to the school, so they know of the problem and we can all work together on this. I would have appreciated if you would have told before but let's go Jason".

My mother and I drove back to Demi's house and for our luck, her mom was just pulling into the driveway. We went up to her, saying hi first and then telling her that we needed to talk. She invited us to her house, taking us into the living room. It was painful for both of us to tell her everything without not breaking into an awful sobbing. At the end, all three of us couldn't help it and we cried for a while. Her mother decided to send Demi to a rehab center in another city. She also called the school and they were also told the situation and agreed to make consciousness towards this type of situations. 

The next day...

"Demi please open up...we all need to talk" I said.

"What are you doing here?! I told you to leave! And what do you mean with 'we all'?!" Demi replied before opening the door only to find her mom and me standing outside.

"Sweetie, I know what has been happening, we're going to help you so you don't suffer anymore. Jason explained everything, how you have been feeling about your dad, I get it sweetie, I kicked him out, this time for good. You are going to go to rehab center for a while, it is going to help you, not hurt you, it is for the best. Thank Jason, he really does care for you." her mother went on to say. Demi just looked stunned without knowing what to say or do. She slowly began to cry as she fell to her knees. My first instinct was to go down and hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

"it's going to be okay, Demi, this is for the best, I want you to get better, because...because you" I said without knowing that I had just announced my love her.

"You what?" she asked.

"I love you Demi, that's why I always have tried to help you. Go to the center, I'll be here waiting for you. The priority is for your health physically and mentally". I said as I grabbed her handing slowly pulling her in, grabbing her by the waist and bringing her in for a soft kiss on the lips and then taking her down to her mother's car. Her mother was taking her immediately to the center. I would not get to see her for 6 months, but I knew it was for the best and that I would wait for her. 

"I love you..." was the last words I said to her while the car drove away. 

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