
18 6 2

If I were to dive in and let the world know
Would you accept it and not think of it as just a show?
Would you hold my hand, smile and say the same?
Or would you decide to mock my attempt and label me insane?

I am a very expressive person
Hiding is difficult along with having a reason
For you see, I could declare my love for you
But then, where's the fun in being true?

My hand misses yours despite not knowing
The feeling of your hand, must be nice, I'm assuming.
In my darkest days you always stay
So in my happiest, "I'll stay" is what I hope you'll say

Sadness of not being able to hug you,
To act like nothing, to not be true
During the times I'm with you nothing is a bore
This friendship is everything but can't there be something more?

I love you- at first I thought I didn't- but I do
I love you and I wish you feel it too
Cringey, yes, I admit I am but that's me. It's what I am
I'd write letters after letters and in those, my love for you, I'll cram

If our eyes meet after all that's happening
I wish to inform you everything
From the pain in my heart because I miss you
To the uncomfortable feeling of you not getting a clue

Or maybe I'm becoming too much
Just because I'm yearning for your touch
Ocean, have you noticed it ? Or have you not?
Can't you pause for a moment and give it a thought?

A/n: Hiding truly is a difficult yet amazing skill. Painful, yes yet it's also beautiful. How one could mask their feelings in order to protect- may it be a reputation, a person, or a state in a relationship. My life is slowly becoming okay, I'm slowly understanding myself again thanks to everyone around me especially a friend of mine that had helped me throughout my difficult times.

Also, take care to those in the Philippines, stay safe during this typhoon ! It's cold and it's raining at the time I'm writing this.

To everyone, the pain will fade someday- I won't say soon because that gives a false sense of hope, I won't give you any certainty of the time but I will tell you that it will happen. Hold on, things will be better someday. If you think you can't handle it anymore, talk to a friend, write it, draw it, you can do anything to let it out as long as it won't do you harm. I believe in you even though I'm just a stranger, I do.

So, take care and have a good day !

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