Changing for peace

16 6 4

Calmed storms inside of me
I know someday I'll be free
From the past that haunts me
Filled with peace is what I'll be

Believed too much in the darkness
Now I know how to achieve happiness
Keeping my peace is now my goal
For I know it'll benefit my soul

As soft as the clouds is what I am
Still know I'll survive life's exam
Future is vague, events are uncertain
I'll walk and continue to fix all that's broken

A/n: I know my previous poems seem heavy or negative, stress from school got to me and so I apologize for that. I don't mean to influence you guys with my negativity, I just released some of my feeling which I kept locked inside of me. Now I'm feeling okay and will continue with my poems whenever I have the chance while focusing on school.

I wish all of you the best, hope you all are taking care of yourselves and are doing well during these hard times. Stay safe and have a good evening/morning/afternoon.

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