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Vision met with darkness
As senses are put to test
Exhausted yet still searching
For the light, fear I am facing

Created a map to help me
As my eyes do its best to see
To give up is what I want to do
But who'll find me if I know only a few


A/n:  So.. yeah, I've been gone for a while here, like a month or so. I've gotten busy with discord and YouTube along with personal things that I'm still dealing with. Oh- also, about that discord thing, I have a server! I'll be putting it on my bio for you guys to join, it's quiet there at the moment so yeah, I'm much more active there than here. Another reason why I haven't been uploading anything here lately is due to me not writing poems anymore, I don't really know why but uhh yeah. Take care everyone! Things are still not okay so I hope everyone stays safe.

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