loki fight.

Depuis le début

Saji;wonder how the other is doing?

With momo.

Momoe is fight skoll along with reya, ruruka, ruby, weiss, xenovia, and irina.

Momo:well this guy is rather difficult.

Reya:let show it what we learn momo.

Momo:yeah lets do it.

She began compressing demonic energy into her hand and then form a bow.

Xenovia:when did you learn to do that?

Momo;well me and reya ask him to teach is more spells before but he said  'come up with somthing original'.

Xenovia:i see. Irina you might want to leave its to dangerous for a hum-

Irina:dont worry i be just fine.

A mark on her hand glow and she grows a pair of white wings.

Irina:bacause i am no longer a human.

She wink and throw a halo at skoll. The wolf dodge but it got cut on the side.

Reya:alright lets go.

She pull out a toy gun then infuse it with demonic energy then it turn into a big gatling gun. At the back she have two portrusion that extend down and she have a visor.

Reya:'time for annihilation' this is what i name this.

Xenovia:how the hell?

Reya:morgan taugh me to bring something full potential out.


Weiss:yeah yeah.

Ruby scythe then give off unnatural glow and it break out in some part and it goes onto ruby's body and make a little bit of an armour. Weiss throw dust into the air and with mana infuse into it. It shot out a bit of light and inject into her. Her veins is show with multiples different colors and she swing her rapier and fire was emit out of it. With the wind it got shot out to skool as it dodge being burn.

Ruby:not so fast.

She swing her scythe and it cuts down the escape route for skoll. It got burn and xenovia charge and land a slash. Momo fired of multiple arrows at the same tine numbering in the hundreds. Reya ia firing her gun while airbourn.

With sona.

Sona:take this!

A massive dragon made of water was shot out of nowhere and bite midgardsormr.

Rias:how did you manage to use magic without magic circle?

Sona:simple issei said 'do the hard thing cause sometimes it have good rewards'. And also cause he can do it showing that it was possible to do so.

Rias:i see.

Akeno:sona i'll shock it.

Tsubaki:dont worry.

She put her nagitana up high and spins it in a circle. Wind goes around the cirlce created by tsubaki and then lighting also appear. She stop and point the blade at the massive snake.

Tsubaki:lightning storm!

A mini tornado that was cover in lightning shot out of the spear and head straight to the snake when the attack hit it cuts and shock the midgardsormr. When it was done the snake suffer some damage. Tsubaki slam the butt of her weapon to the ground.

Akeno;how did you use lightining magic!!?

Tsubaki:well i ask issei the different between lighting and thunder and he said 'whats the difference?'.

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