Chapter 4: Fling or More?

Start from the beginning

"When did you ask her out?" Nikki asked when my story was over. "Right before I called you," I replied. "How did you do it?" Jasmine asked dreamily. "Well," I started, "I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into me. Then I pulled her face to mine and kissed her, like I've never kissed anyone before. When I pulled away, I demanded-" "Like hell you did!" Nikki cut in. "We've seen you interact with her. Half the time your mouth is hanging open and drool is falling out. There's no way you grabbed anything or demanded she do something," she finished with a laugh. I stared at Nikki for a second, until I couldn't hold in my laughter any longer. "Fine, you caught me." I told them about how I lamely asked her out. "And?" Nikki prompted. "And what?" I asked confusedly. "What did she say?" Jasmine added. "Yes, of course. That's why you two are here, right?" I said with a slight chuckle. "Right, and with that being said, we need to get to work. Where are you taking her?" Jasmine asked. "Well, I was thinking of doing a picnic at one of my favorite spots where there is a waterfall. I think she'll like it. Not many people know about it." "What? Why?" Nikki said with disgust at the idea of being outdoors. "Because I want it to be special. How many times do you think she's been taken to some semi-fancy restaurant or to a shitty movie theatre? I want this date to be different from others she's experienced," I said with conviction.

"Damn," Nikki said with her eyebrows raised, "you are so whipped already." She stood up and walked over to me. "Stand up," she demanded. I looked over to Jasmine with wide eyes, wondering what the hell Nikki was doing, but in the end, I stood up anyway. The next thing I knew, Nikki was hugging me. "I love you and I'm happy you're finally moving on and letting go of the past. I hope it works out for you." I stood there for a moment without moving, too shocked to do anything. We've been best friends for years, but moments of affection, true affection, are kind of rare. Finally, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged back. "Thanks Nik, you're the best." I felt another pair of arms wrap around me as Jasmine joined in. "I love you guys," she cried into my shoulder. "Ugh, that's enough. She's making it too emotional," Nikki said as she pushed us away. The three of us laughed and sat back down. "What are you gonna wear?" Jasmine asked. "Don't know, but that's an issue for tomorrow. Can we just chill for tonight? I need to take my mind off of things and calm my nerves." "Say no more," Nikki replied, "I brought some goodies for you and they'll definitely free your mind." She winked at me as she stood up and walked to the front door where she had dropped her bags. She came back with a six pack of beer and a container of homemade brownies. She smiled devilishly at us as she tossed us each a beer and opened the container. "Mama Nikki's special brownies. Dig in ladies."

The rest of the night was a blur. A few bites from one of Nikki's special cookies, mixed with a beer or two, was enough to take me out completely. I woke up Saturday morning with my head hanging upside down off of my bed, and from what I could see, a destroyed room. Clothes and trash littered the floor. I heard a groan from somewhere but couldn't see anyone under the layer of filth. I stood up and started shuffling around the room, trying to locate where the noises were coming from. Finally, I stopped beside my bed and leaned down. Nikki was curled up in a ball under the bed, clutching an empty beer bottle. Groans escaped from her drooling mouth as she awoke from her slumber, and no doubt was experiencing a major hangover. I didn't hear or see Jasmine among the mess, so I walked out of the room to continue my search. I could smell breakfast being made downstairs and figured that would be the best place to look. When I got to the kitchen, I expected to see Jasmine cooking, but instead found my brother, Logan. "Jasmine's in the bathroom, if that's who you're looking for," he said as he glanced in my direction. "What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise. He stopped cooking and turned to face me fully. "Is that any way to greet your favorite brother? Get over here," he said with a smile on his face and his arms open wide. I walked over and gave him a hug. "This doesn't mean you're my favorite brother by the way, but I did miss you." "Whatever," he replied, "I missed you too. What's been going on?" "Nothing. Same stuff as usual. Mom and dad work all the time and I do my thing, go to parties, whatever," I said with a shrug as I sat down at the island. Jasmine walked into the room and sat next to me, "That's not exactly true. She has a date tonight." "What? My baby sister has a date. Who with?" "You wouldn't know her. She's new to town," Jasmine said for me. "Oh, fresh meat. Spencer would be proud," Logan said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "It's not like that," I said grumpily, "this is serious." I couldn't look either of them in the eye as I said this. Not only was embarrassment all over my face, but I knew that Logan would be trying to communicate with me without actually talking.

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