"Where have you been? I was so worried Crash! It's 3 in the morning! 3 in the fucking morning! I couldn't even fall asleep, and Ant kept telling me that you left us and ..." She trails off as she looks at me with a worried expression pleading for a response. But I could tell it was just a facade. she was incapable of true human compassion. I know sounds harsh, but I also happen to have a very good understanding of O. She was one of those eccentric free spirits you know? Doesn't believe in settling down, and she has a hard time with commitment. That being said, she is also one of the sweetest, and most caring person I know, to my face at least. I knew she treated me just like she treated Ant and the dozen other guys she saw. Me and ant just happened to be the lucky ones she came home to.

Bottom line is her love is toxic. she tosses it at anyone who wants it, but it was hard to not lover her back. Even though I knew exactly who she was, and what she did, I still can't help but love her. I guess it's like unconditional love people speak of. I'm not quiet sure what kind of love I have for her, but I know this love is real for me. I can't say the same for her.

My lips purse into a thin line as I debate on how to deal with her. Deciding against telling her about my day, I slap on a smile and envelope her in a big hug. I snuggle into her hair as I feel her grip me tightly. Looking over her shoulder I see Ant sitting on the kitchen counter shirtless, eating a bowl of cereal in all his glory. Diverting my eyes quickly I let go of O and look her straight in her eyes.

"I was just out seeing an old friend and lost track of time." I say reassuringly selling her my most genuine smile. She smiles back whole heartedly as she responds "alright. It's just you haven't been around lately. We miss you.".

"Uh no. You miss him. I barely even notice when he's here or not , doesn't really make a difference to me. " Ant cuts in from behind her in a teasing tone. He shoots me a toothy grin proudly displaying his one dimple cheekily. I shake my head laughing slightly as I walk past O and into the kitchen. I hear her close the door behind me and follow suit. She reaches for my hand entwining her thin fingers in mine as she pulls me towards the living room sofa. She quickly pushes me onto the sofa in one swift movement and climbs on to me tugging at my blonde locks ever so slightly.

She leans in slowly and places a small kiss on the corner of my lips. The feeling of her closeness quickly reminds me of Hayden and this morning, and I can't help but wince at the memory. Trying to rid the thought out of my head I reach forward and capture her lips in a soft and gentle kiss. She reciprocates and gingerly traces my jawline eagerly leaning into me.

The sofa gently shifts under our weight as I feel Ants presence next to us. Opening my eyes the slightest I see Ant sitting cross legged beside us watching intently with cereal and spoon still in his hands. O continues to massage my lips with hers as she reaches under my shirt to caress my body. She was being so gentle and loving, it made me feel good.

I close my eyes willing myself to enjoy the heightened sensation and ignore Ants prying eyes. Suddenly I feel cold fingers touching the delicate skin on my neck. I pull myself away from O reluctantly and glare at Ant as he is touching me. The feeling of his cold fingers on my bare skin made my body respond in weird ways I didn't like. I keep my eyes trained On ant as I feel O shift closer towards my body.

"Anthony what are you doing?" I ask unaware of how low and coarse my voice had gotten. He looks up at me as if he had just broken out of a trance, an unreadable expression clouding his features. He quickly snaps out of it and gets up off the couch taking his cereal I didn't notice he left on the ground. He walks away and into the kitchen as if nothing had even happened. I watch after him confused in more ways than one.

"Hey I'm right here crash" Ophelia says cupping my head and turning me to face her possessively. She looks at me adamantly and leans in biting down on my lip and kissing me roughly. I pull her hair abruptly forcing her lips off of mine. I gently push her off my legs and get up off the couch taking long strides into the kitchen, losing interest with O. Anthony is sitting in the same spot he was before, still working on the same bowl of cereal. He nods at me acknowledging my prescience and returns to his bowl of cereal with a gruff hey.

I open the fridge to pull out a box of chocolates (which I stole for O) and scan through the list of flavors absentmindedly.

"You know I got a job today" I say surprising myself by bringing it up. I wasn't planning on telling Ant or O yet, but I had a strong urge to tell him. It was probably the pill, it makes me act impulsively. He looks up from his bowl of cereal with an eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"No way! Where? Let me guess, the brothel down the street?Or perhaps you've decided to answer to you're true calling and become a male stripper. Wait no. I bet you've become a one man band singing Mika songs as the teenage girls swoon over your sweet moves and irresistible charm while you drop kick a fat ginger in the head" he comments in a humorous tone. I laugh inwardly as I plop a piece of peanut butter chocolate in my mouth, enjoying the sweetness on my taste buds.

"Hey I happen to know a ginger! And he takes offense." I say chatting random shit to keep us talking. He lets out a bark of a laugh and hops off the counter walking towards me. He leans over my shoulder and scans the box of chocolates as if he was contemplating a major life decision. After minutes of his indecisiveness I let out a groan and pick out a orange cream sickle chocolate offering it to him impatiently. He grins from ear to ear as he takes it from me and bites in to it eagerly.

Ant has a thing for fruit flavored chocolate, but personally, i think it tastes like cough syrup yuk. But hey more peanut butter goodness for me.

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