Chapter 9

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A loud screeching from outside startles us, forcing us to jump up off the couch and share a look of confusion. The sound was loud and piercing, resonating throughout the dark apartment eerily. Me and Louis both run over to the window, tossing open the curtains hastily to search for the origin, desperately trying to make out the scene before us through the smoke and fog that surrounded the source.

I could just make out the outline of the hood of a car , followed by a staggering figure emerging from the giant mass of grey. The body was slow and shaky, barely making it to the sidewalk before collapsing completely. The body laid there lifeless, plastered to the pavement in a manner that made me shiver horribly. The person seemed to be a man, wearing a blue shirt. Or green. It was hard to tell from here.

"C-cr-crash.. Cr-crash. Crash." Louis says from next to me with a quaky voice that made me nervous beyond belief. His face turned a ghostly white, as his eyes bulged out of their sockets, like he was watching Jesus die. My gaze quickly follows his as I try and figure out what was making him so painfully scared. I look up and down the street desperately searching for something I wasn't sure I wanted to see.

And there it was. In the corner of my eye I saw red. The same red that he was wearing. A body slumped over the curb side, not even the slightest sign of movement. I couldn't help what happened next as my body forced me to move. I pulled open the window quickly clambering over the sill and tossing myself at the ground two stories below me. I felt pain shoot through me, but nothing hurt more than the pain in my chest. It was tight and heavy against my heart as I felt myself lose the will to breathe. I ran across the street completely oblivious to everything around me, only seeing red.

Everything seemed to move so slowly, when I was trying hopelessly to get to him faster. I heard screaming and shouting all around, pure chaos as every second unraveled. As I ran up to the curb,I felt myself drop to my knees , weakly thrusting myself over him like a blanket. I wanted so desperately to feel his body move, even if it was the smallest breath in the world, I needed to feel it. Tears start pouring out as I do nothing to stop it.

My body is quickly pulled off of his as I am shoved away from him onto the street in a blink of an eye. I can say without a doubt, in that second my heart stopped beating. I watched as Louis knelt over him with his arms straight out against his chest, pushing up and down as his body remained dead. I closed my eyes, and all I saw was red.

I couldn't hear anything but my own blood pulsing through my veins at a dangerously slow rate. 

Suddenly my eyes jut open as I hear a piercing scream engulf my ears. The words no one ever wanted to hear left Louis's mouth. I watch helplessly as he pushes harder into his body, screaming for him to come back. I can't help myself from looking at him, his whole body turning a shade of blue that seemed impossibly inhuman. I watch his chest being forced to work, Louis trying urgently to be his heart.

And suddenly I see it. Just as Louis's mouth leaves his, I see it. His chest heaves, and his lips quiver just the slightest. If I wasn't looking so closely I would'nt have caught it. I quickly scramble over to his side, holding on to his head, searching feverishly for another sign that he wasn't gone. And suddenly as if a God had heard me begging, he came back. 

His chest rose and fell on it's own, as his lips parted just the slightest. He slowly took in his first breath, and just like that, he came back. 

I cupped his face in my hands, holding him still as he slowly let out hot and uneven breaths. His eyes fluttered open meekly, as he looked up at the dark grey sky that loomed over him. 

I felt myself let out a heavy exhale as I reach out for his hand. I  grasp his balled up fists, slowly peeling his hand open for me to hold. Louis grabs his other hand, doing the same thing I was, looking at him the same way I did. The three of us stayed there for what felt like hours, when in fact it was just mere seconds before we were thrown out of our trance and brought back to reality by the sound of sirens. My eyes go wide, as the sound grew louder and louder, drawing nearer and nearer. 

I quickly shoot Louis a nervous glance as he looks back at me mirroring my expression. 

This wasn't good. We couldn't let them take him away. They would never let him back out. Not with those scars. Not with his record. No. This wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to give him another chance to leave me. I quickly shove my arms beneath his body and pick him up from the ground in one swift movement, trying my hardest to be gentle.

 And just like that we ran.  Louis and I both start darting away from the sound of the sirens, looking back over our shoulders one last time to take in the fleeting image of hell.


Hope you like it! I do have the rest of the story basically written, but I am not quite sure whether it is going to be released because I am feeling very 'meh' about it. But I may just update again tonight, either way hope you enjoyed my lovelies! Please remember to vote and comment, so I know there is someone on the other side and I'm not just writing like a mad lady. love yas! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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