Chapter 4

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Picture of Ant!

Ringing the bell three times I wait impatiently and fiddle with my fingers nervously. I feel my body shiver with need and want as I try and calm my hyperactive nerves.

This is what addiction felt like.

The constant desire for a high was burning a whole through me.

Finally after what felt like hours the door opens swiftly as I am greeted by puff of smoke. A head of read hair peeks through the haze followed by a pair of the greenest eyes is ever known.

"Hey you're early." He says cocking his head to the side as he took another hit off his bong.

"Yeah hard times call for hard drugs." I say twisting my smile into a smirk knowing he had just the right stuff to ease my state of mind.

He nods understandingly as he ushers me into the dark and misty room. The smell of weed instantly hits me as I walk in and I inhale sharply allowing the smoke to enter my lungs. Ahh the inexplicable sensation.

We walk through the familiar hallway into a larger room with a large table covered with an assortment of little bags and plastic bottles.

"Take your pick Crash" he says winking at me as he takes a seat on the tattered couch watching me intently. Louis was a strange character. Standing a good head taller than most people, his built and muscled figure towered over everything. You'd be surprised that he had so much muscle when he basicAlly never left his little apartment.

I've known him since high school, but he kept to himself most of the time. He was an honors student, top of our class, even had a full ride to Harvard as a junior. He's probably the smartest person I know. But he was sent to Juvy for getting caught with a gram of coke. Now look at this kid. He had enough drugs to get a small town higher than the Empire State. But enough said.

I walk over to the table looking over it with hungry and eager eyes. Smiling to myself I grab a little bag of six pills and hold it up to Louis. He smiles mischievously letting out a small laugh as he puts down his bong for the first time.

"60 bucks. But for you, I'll throw in a little bit of this shit." He says grabbing a strip of something from the table and handing it to me. I shoot him my most charming look appreciating his generosity. I reach for my wallet and pull out 80$. I hand it to him as he raises an eyebrow confused.

"I know you. You don't give things without wanting something in return, and I'm not in the mood for what you are." I say surly as I hand him the money. He reaches for it reluctantly and tosses it into a box of cash beside him.

"Thanks for the stuff Louis. You have no idea how much I need this right now." I say as I turn and start walking down the hallway We came from. I hear his footsteps behind me as I reach the door and open it. He mumbles a quiet goodbye as I walk out of his apartment, turning around to see him leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed tightly to his chest. He forces a small smile as he turns swiftly and walks back into the apartment, slamming the door behind him. I chuckle lightly as I hurriedly make my way out into the cold. Good old trusty Louis.

Trudging through the thin layer of snow that had started to fall, I finally can make out our tiny little apartment building through the thick fog. Quickly making my way towards it I stumble inside to escape the harsh and cold weather. As I get into the elevator I reach for the bag of pills and quickly pop one in my mouth pushing the button for the doors to close. The elevator reaches my floor, and I can already feel it kicking in.

Yes. This is perfection. I fumble around for the keys in my coat jacket, scavenging through empty gum wrappers and unused match sticks clumsily. Suddenly the door swings open almost knocking me off of my feet as I struggle to stabilize myself in my light headed state.

Palisades park (boyxboyxgirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora