Chapter 1 - Killing Gian

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Natasha (Ash) Pov -

My name is Natasha Vasiliev I'm 16 years old. I live in New York with my best friend Fraiser and I'm an assassin.

Currently, I'm lying on the roof of a random building in New York aiming my rifle at Gian Hernandez, an errand boy for the Mexican cartel who's been sex trafficking young girls. When I saw that someone wanted him dead, I didn't hesitate to accept the offer because I wanted him dead anyway, the $5 million payday was just a bonus. Watching him walk around his office 50 metres away from me just made me want to kill him even more, everything around him he got from torturing the innocent. I know that I'm not a model citizen but at least I have some morals. 

I'm just another assassin I don't stand out, I don't have a scary or catchy gimmick name. If somebody has a job, they'll put it on the black market or message me. For an assassin, my life is pretty boring, but I can't do much to change it. To explain why I'm an assassin is a long and tedious story, but I needed the money and that was the easy way to get it so here we are.


My phone in my pocket starting ringing like crazy so I pulled it out my pocket to see the caller ID say, Fraiser. Fraiser is my best friend and brother (not by blood), I've known him since I was 8 years old, he's crazy and eccentric which can be annoying, but I love him, so I just got used to it. 

 "What do you want, you know I'm in the middle of a job," I said sighing, "I called to warn you. Gian's scheduled a meeting, so there are going to be other people in the room, you should bail the risk is too high" he informed me. "I'm not bailing Gian's a sadistic f*ck and he deserves to die. Also, whoever is in that room won't be able to see me. I'm safe" I stated calmly trying to stop him from worrying about me

 "Alright just be careful, and I'll clear all the security cameras," he said giving up knowing I'm not leaving without him dead "okay, are you sure that's a good idea. The whole plan was that I would blend in and be inconspicuous clearing all camera footage would go against that" I responded "I know that's the plan but there aren't many people on the streets, you'll become a suspect. It's better to clear all the footage" "okay" I finally agreed "see, that's how you compromise" he said sweetly "bye Fraiser" I ended, then hung up.

As I hung up the call, I saw Gian entering his office shivering, It was so bad you could see it without the scope on my rifle. My curiosity got the best of me, and I turned the scope on my gun to see who else he was with. There was a tall muscular man standing in the room looking at Gian with a cold stare lacking any emotion. This is who his meetings with.

He swiftly made his way over to the sofa in the office sat down and swung his right ankle onto his left knee leaning back completely relaxed. Despite his relaxed demeanour even an idiot could tell the atmosphere was quite the opposite, he motioned for Gian to sit on the sofa across from him. Gian did precisely that, terrified of upsetting him even slightly the man then started talking calmly whilst Gian shook in fright making sure to take in every word.

I was fascinated with the man he had strong facial features, midnight black hair, light stubble and was wearing a perfectly fitted suit. I wanted badly to see him up close in person, Gian wasn't exactly the one to care what anyone thought about him, and he thought of himself as quite smart. If you were lucky enough to meet him, he made sure you knew you were less than him. Whoever this man is he could destroy Gian and everything he's built up in his life, which I'm sure terrified Gian and was the cause of his unusual behaviour.

I can't see his eyes clearly, but I know that holding his gaze would be a job. I soon came out of my curious daze remembering my job and pointed the gun back at Gian. Call it a sixth sense but I knew it wasn't smart killing Gian with this man present, he exuded so much authority that he had to be some high up mafia goon or even a Don. I don't know why he's meeting Gian which makes me more hesitant, I'm anonymous and they'd never know it was me but part of me is telling me not to do it. He'd hunt me down if it were that Gian owed him money and I killed him.

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