Chapter 6 - meet the parents

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Natasha (Ash) pov - 

Everything's hazy, for I don't know how long I've been in this state of delirium. It's a constant cycle of dreaming falling back and watching memories of when I was younger to then feeling pain all over my body before everything fades to black again.

I can't move my body at all because of the pain and stiffness in my body, as soon as I move a finger or toe, I feel exhausted and then pass out again. I know I'm in the hospital because of the constant beeping noise which is my heart monitor. how am I supposed to sleep or rest when that's all I can hear?

For the past hour I've been trying to open my eyes I'm getting close but even these hurts. My eyes peeked open, and I saw that white hospital roofing however the lights weren't on, so I wasn't blinded.  I took a deep breath to calm down and, in the process, got a good whiff of the sterile air. I started to move around with a lot of struggle and eventually found the button to call the nurse in. 

After pressing the button, a nurse walked in asking how I was I responded with a short fine and she then fiddled with the machines attached to me. "Are you in any pain at all?" she asked me 

"My shoulder hurts and my leg and my side, can I have drugs now?" I said smiling because desperate for some pain relief 

"sure" she laughed then walked over to the tube attached to my arm and injected some liquid into me. I sighed and leaned my head back but was interrupted by the nurse adjusting my bed, so I was in a sitting position to which I groaned wanting nothing more than sleep. 

"I'm just going to quickly ask you some questions then you can sleep," she said curtly "do you remember what happened the night you were shot?" she asked 

"I remember getting shot and running away then getting my friend to drive me to the hospital" I replied quickly

"Okay I would like to ask you some more questions, but I'll let you rest instead" she smiled at me and turned to leave but I grabbed her hand making her turn to look at me again. "What happened to me?" 

She looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile before sighing "when you came in you lost a lot of blood, we had a pint in the blood bank, but you needed more than that for surgery and your blood type is pretty rare, so we didn't have any more. Luckily, we found your family and your twin brother donated 3 pints to keep you alive" she started to smile more "the poor thing was so worried about you he didn't care that he had given way too much blood"

"Wait slow down, did you just say twin brother? I don't have any family" I said starting to panic, my heart rate monitor started beating faster

"Slow down honey, your friend who brought you here said you didn't have a guardian, because of that we had to contact social services and find some family for you. I'd love to tell you more, but you deserve to hear it from your parents rather than me" she smiled at me and left. 

I'm exhausted but how can I sleep with all this new information. I never had any family my childhood was all over the place and I only felt happy when I found Fraiser, and his family so why did my family not want me why did they send me away.

To give a summary of my childhood or at least what I can remember of it I lived with my Great Aunt Galina in northern Russia isolated from anyone and anything. It wasn't bad, I wasn't abused or anything, but my aunt Galina wasn't exactly nice or sympathetic to children. Kids cry a lot, and she didn't like that so when I did cry, she would make me do extra schoolwork. 

I know she loved me, and I know she cared but looking back on it, she was just one of those people who struggled to express their emotions correctly like me now. I woke up at 6:30 am every day I ate breakfast then did exercises like running all before my schoolwork that started at 9:00 I did this for the rest of the day before going to bed at 7:00. It was very structured and didn't leave much leeway for watching tv or playing with toys like most 5-year-olds want to do. 

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