Rose-Colored Glasses; 2: New York & Aspen (A Harry Styles Sugar Daddy AU)

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I settle in my room, with my laptop on my lap and my fingers tapping happily on the keyboard. The change of scenery seems to be working on me, at least for now. The room is amazing, spacious, and simplistic, with an amazing view of the snowed mountains. I have to admit that since the night fell, the cold only grew greater, making the place feel a lot more like a winter fairytale setting.
The light tap on my door makes me jolt on my spot. It is well past midnight, so no one should be outside my door now. I get up and walk to it, contemplating if I should even check who is behind the door.
"Who is it?" I ask, in a barely-above a whisper voice.
"It's Harry." His voice is familiar, like when he was talking to me that Sunday we woke up together. I open the door and let him in; he is dressed in his sleeping attire, his hair flying messily as he drags his feet in.
"Is everything ok?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"I can't sleep." He announces and I chuckle. "Nervous about your big day tomorrow?" I ask him, gesturing for him to sit on my bed.
"No. I just can't sleep." He replies. I save the document on my laptop before shutting it and placing it on the nightstand.
"How can I help?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"I don't know. I just didn't want to be alone." He replies and I hum.
"I get that. Do you want to sleep here?" I ask, patting the king-sized bed.
"I don't want to put you in a tough spot." He mumbles.
"I suggested it, didn't I?" I ask.
"Yes, but that's because I showed up at your door, looking like a wounded puppy. You couldn't have really kicked me out." He opposes.
"I could have. But I am telling you, if you don't want to sleep alone, you can stay here." I reply, already laying on the bed.

"I have to wake up early."
"I remember, you told me that. Turn on an alarm on your phone. And before you leave, please, don't you dare wake me up. You don't want to deal with cranky, early-awaken (Y/N)..." I joke and he chuckles.
He leaves his phone on the nightstand and gets under the covers, sighing in frustration as he looks at the ceiling.
"Hey, come here..." I invite him to get closer to me, wanting him to just relax and have a nice night of sleep. He hesitantly does, and I help position him on his side, with his back turned to me. I drape my arm over his torso, resting my head against his back.
"You will be just fine tomorrow. I mean, you kinda have to. You promised the deal will be done by early in the afternoon and then you will take me to the celebratory party. And you also promised to spend Sunday with me. You can't break your promise..." I whisper, stroking his hair with my free hand.
"I really can't." He mumbles, a moan taking over his voice as I run my fingers through his soft curls. I must know what conditioner he uses, I have never sunk my fingers into such silky locks.
"Plus, I figured out what I want us to do on Sunday." I state.
"What, baby?" He asks me, in a hazy, nearly sleeping voice.
For a second I lose it; the pet name brought chills on my skin, he has never called me that, up until now. I feel flustered, but convince myself that it just slipped past his lips in a sleep-related deliriousness.
"I want to go for a nice breakfast and then for a hike. Then a light lunch." I reply and he hums.
"Sounds good, baby..." He moans, making my heart flutter. It sounds so weird coming from his lips, and I know he doesn't mean it but it still makes me feel weird.
I fix the covers on our bodies, snuggling closer to him to share warmth. 

I didn't realize I fell asleep, nor that Harry left in the morning. I wake up to an empty bed, but covered with the duvet fully, nearly wrapped like a burrito. I smile to myself, stretching my body against the mattress and yawning loudly to wake myself up.
The view from my window is ideal for sleeping in, just staying in bed for a little longer, but I know I have to get in town and by a dress, then get ready for the party, while also working a bit on my draft.
No time to lose, but this bed is so comfortable and warm, and outside it seems so cold...
I grab my phone and open the countdown, setting it to ring in half an hour from now. I drop it on Harry's side of my bed -well, at least for last night- and bring the duvet over my head.
My skin erupts in goosebumps at the memory of last night. I know that nothing happened, but the sound of his voice calling me 'baby' really sets the mood for me. It meant nothing to him, I am sure. But apparently, it meant something to me, since I cannot shake it off.
I remember how good it felt hugging him through the night, how safe I felt with my head resting against his back, and how delicious his scent was.
This might as well be happening due to the fact I haven't gotten laid since the previous semester. I don't even wait for the countdown to end before I slip out of bed and into the shower. I need to cool off, get my head straight before I head to the shopping part of the town. I wonder what the hell I am going to buy for the party. I need to look classy, but I crave getting some attention from Harry. I loved it when he complimented my dress, it created a need for me to get more out of him. I always liked getting compliments, always loved being liked, but ever more so since I started seeing Harry. 

𝟓𝐬𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝟏Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang