Chapter One

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The bell rings and everyone enters the school.

Jamie Jamieson is at his school desk.

Teacher comes in, named Ian McMillan.

"Hello class, my name is Ian McMillan, but due to school rules, you have to include the word mr in it, but, now that I've got that out of the way, I hope you all will like me and not *a school boy tries to throw a paper airplane at Mr. McMillan but he raises his hand to stop him from throwing it.* throw airplanes at the teacher, like that young man over there.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Are you a very good drama teacher?". said Jamie.

"Yes, I am and I have been in plays before... just local plays but plays, in any type of way.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Cool.". said Kyle.

"We're going to do a play for today's Halloween party, how does that sound?". said and asked Mr. McMillan.

The class cheers.

"That sounds like a good and positive sound, so today we're going to practice... now I'll tell you what to do, the words to say and you have to say them and there's no script involved... it's improvised... so please put the cheers and tables over to the window and then we can begin acting.". said Mr. McMillan.

The class get's ready for their lesson.

"Okay, now... Liam, you're a vampire and you Peter is a victim.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Okay.". said Liam.

"Ethan and Wendy, you're a couple who notices the vampire and the person who the vampire bites the neck of.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Right.". said Wendy.

"Nathan and Susan, you both are also witnesses.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Okay.". said Susan.

"Now, Jamie and Kyle, you both play as vampires who watch and encourage the other vampire sucking the blood, which their will not be any actual blood sucking or biting, and false teeth will be used.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Okay.". said Jamie.

"Okay, Liam and Peter, please stand over there, and you know what, I don't need to tell you all what to say, improvise it, and action.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Hey, I shall suck your blood, quench my bloodthirstiness.". said Liam.

"Oh no... not me.". said Peter.

"Yes you.". said Liam.

"Oh my... that vampire is biting a poor man's neck.". said Susan.

"Yes, I can see that... and that is so much terrible.". said Nathan.

"We both are too loving couples, oh my... is that a vampire?". said and asked Wendy.

"Yes my dear, it truly seems like it is.". said Ethan.

"Come on, you the best bloodsucker.". said Kyle.

"Yes... the absolute best you are.". said Jamie.

Liam pretends to bite Peter's neck and Liam makes sucking sounds to simulate bloodsucking.

"And cut.". said Mr. McMillan.

"Well done boys, and girls.". said Mr. McMillan.

The bell rings and Jamie and Kyle heads out of drama class and they head out to have their break.

"I enjoyed drama, what about you?". said and asked Jamie.

"Yeah, I did too.". said Kyle.

John walks over to Jamie and Kyle.

"Hey squirm... is that you little friendy, friendy, friend?". asked John as he teases Jamie.

"Yep, a better friend that you'll ever have... so beat it curly poo.". said Jamie.

"Shut up... I'll see you again at lunch squirm.". said John.

The School Life Of Jamie Jamieson: Halloween PartyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang