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Tom's pov

Zendaya unties me, Katy and Haz. We put Haz and Katy on the couch with a note.

Hey guys,

Y/n's water broke so we're taking her to the hospital. When you guys wake up you can come to the hospital.

From Tom

I set down the letter on the table.   Zendaya runs out to the car and starts it while I carry y/n outside.  We drive to the hospital. "Help!" I yell, carrying her into the hospital. "Come on Jack, Brandon, Carolina, and Jane." A doctor yells, running over. They take y/n and take her to a room. I hear y/n yelling but they won't let me in the room.

A few hours later
Tom's pov

A doctor comes out of y/n's room with a grim look on her face. "I'm so sorry sir but she didn't make it." The woman says. "The baby's fine but the mother didn't make it. She just wasn't ready for a baby." She says. "Oh my God." I say, slinking to the floor. "Tom..." Katy says, I look back and see her crying. I stand up and walk over to her. I hug her close. Haz walks into the hallway and sees Katy crying. "what going on?" He asks, walking over and hugging her too. She didn't make it." Katy says, between sobs. "My god Katy, I'm so sorry. "Do you want to hold the baby?" The doctor asks, walking out with a little baby in a pink blanket. "Sure." I say, turning around a grabbing the baby. She so tiny, with such small features. I rock her in my arms for a few minutes before she opens her eyes. There bug, beautiful (your eye color) eyes. The same eyes as y/n's. I she'd a tear as I hold my baby girl. "Do you want to see y/n one more time?" The doctor asks. "Yes please." I say, following her. Katy and Haz follow me, Haz's arm around Katy. I walk in and see y/n. She looks like she's gone. She pale and her skin is cold. I sit on the chair beside the bed. "Hey baby." I say, looking at her. "Your daughters beautiful." I say, looking at my baby girl. "She has your eyes." I say, starting to cry as I look back at y/n. "Did she ever see Sapphires?" I ask, not looking at the doctor. "No, she died before she came into the world." The doctor says. Zendaya walks in and see me crying, Katy and Haz against the back wall. "She didn't make it?" Zendaya guesses, sitting next to me. "no." I say, not looking at her. "What are you gonna name her?" Zendaya asks. "Sapphire Jane (pretend Jane is your middle name) Holland." I say, looking at Sapphire. "Why sapphire?" Zendaya asks, gently grabbing the baby's hand. "sapphire like her mother eyes." I say, looking at Zendaya. "That's sweet." She says, looking back at me. "Can I have some alone time with y/n?" I ask, looking at everyone. "Of course." They all say, walking out. "I'm gonna miss you." I say, kissing y/n's forehead before walking out of the room. Before I get to the door, I hear a small beep behind me.

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