The most unexpected one

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Y/n's pov

I slept well last night, feeling lighter with the old memories bringing warmth to my mood. As I brushed my teeth, I heard the door to my flat open.

"Yura Unnie?!" I exclaimed, not expecting her at this hour.

"Yes, how are you, my dear?" she greeted me warmly.

"I'm fine! What about you? You seem too busy these days," I observed.

"I'm good too. I got a promotion this month and I'm being transferred to Australia. I have a flight this evening," she explained.

"That means you're leaving?" I asked, a tinge of sadness in my voice.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I can't pass up this opportunity," she consoled me.

"So, I'll be living alone then?" I sighed, feeling a bit despondent.

"No, my cousin is buying this flat. He'll be your new roommate," she revealed.

"H-He?" I questioned, feeling a surge of discomfort at the thought of having a male roommate I didn't know.

"Don't worry, he's a very good boy! He won't cause any trouble. You'll like his company!" Yura assured me, trying to allay my concerns.

I frowned, not entirely convinced. I didn't want a male roommate, especially someone I didn't know. I started to voice my objections when her cousin entered the room.

The expected guy turned out to be the most unexpected one. My eyes widened in astonishment. "Jungkook?!" I gasped, unable to believe my eyes.

Jungkook's pov

I called Yura Noona for assistance. She provided me with the address, and to my surprise, it was a familiar one. It turned out to be where Y/N lived. The idea of being her neighbor excited me. However, fate had something else in store, as I found myself standing in front of her door, not as a neighbor, but as her potential roommate.

"JUNGKOOK?!" Her shocked expression mirrored my own.

Unable to find the right words, I offered an awkward smile in response. Observing our reactions, Yura Noona cheerfully remarked, "Looks like you already know each other!"

"Actually... we're college friends..." I admitted sheepishly.

"That's so good, isn't it, Y/N? I won't have to introduce him to you then, and at the same time, I won't have to worry about you," Noona chimed in, seemingly pleased with the situation.

Y/N nodded politely, but her eyes betrayed her true feelings. With Yura Noona's departure, the tension between us became palpable. "Jungkook, seriously? You didn't even bother to ask me?!" Y/N's frustration was evident in her tone.

"Look, I can explain... It's not what you think! Actually, I didn't know about it—" I began, attempting to justify myself.

"What?! You didn't know my address?!" Her disbelief was clear.

"I knew your address, but I didn't know that I would end up here! In short, I didn't know your address! I was looking for an apartment, and Yura Noona suggested staying at her place since it was near my office. I didn't even know she had a roommate; I swear!" I clarified, hoping to alleviate her concerns. She rolled her eyes and averted her gaze.

"Okay, I'm sorry! If you're uncomfortable with it, I'll look for a new place. Just bear with me until I find one!" I responded, feeling a twinge of annoyance.

Don't Leave Me.✅(JJK X Y/N X KTH)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें