Guilt and unloyalty

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y/n's pov

Frustration bubbled inside me as I pounded the steering wheel in irritation. I had been stuck in traffic for nearly an hour. Though I had managed to procure the medicines for Jungkook, they were of no use if I couldn't reach him.

Finally, the cars shifted slightly, creating an opening that allowed me to take a shortcut. The lane was narrow, making it a route I typically avoided. However, with no other options available, I gritted my teeth and steered my car into the narrow passage.

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I maneuvered my way through the tight space, inching forward slowly but steadily. The surroundings blurred as I focused solely on reaching my destination, my determination overriding any apprehension I felt about navigating the narrow lane.
I reached my apartment maybe after an eternity. With a racing heart, I threw my coat aside and rushed to Jungkook's side. His condition was worse than I had anticipated. His eyes were rolled back, his body slumped on the couch in an uncomfortable position, and his labored breathing filled the room with soft wheezes.

"Jungkook!" I called out, my voice laced with concern, as I knelt beside him and placed a trembling hand on his forehead. The heat radiating from his skin was alarming, confirming my fears.

"Hey! Can you hear me??" I gently tapped his cheeks, hoping to elicit some response.

There was no immediate reaction from Jungkook, and panic threatened to overwhelm me. Thoughts raced through my mind, each one more frantic than the last. Should I call his parents? Rush him to the hospital?

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to calm down. This was not the time to lose composure. I needed to act quickly but methodically. I resolved to start by administering the medicine I had brought for him. If that didn't yield any improvement, I would explore other options.

Once more, I tried to rouse Jungkook from his stupor. "Hey, Jungkook? Can you hear me?" I spoke softly, running my fingers through his hair in a gentle, comforting gesture.

After a few moments, Jungkook responded with a soft murmur, his voice tinged with drowsiness. "Hmm?"

Relief flooded through me at the sound of his voice, albeit weak. It was a small sign of hope in the midst of uncertainty.

"Have this medicine. You'll feel better," I said softly, holding out the pills and a glass of water. His eyes still closed, Jungkook nodded weakly in acknowledgment.

With careful movements, I helped him to sit up, supporting his weight as he leaned against me. His head found a resting place on my shoulder as I handed him the medication. He managed to swallow the pills with some effort, washing them down with a few sips of water.

"Can you manage to get up?" I asked. Again, he nodded, albeit with less certainty this time.

"Come on," I encouraged gently, wrapping his hand around my neck and steadying his body with my arm around his waist. Despite his weakened state, he made an effort to stand, his full weight pressing against me.

Instantly, I felt the strain as his body leaned heavily on mine. I struggled to maintain our balance, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders. "Come on, y/n! You can do it!" I urged myself silently, summoning every ounce of strength and determination. With a deep breath, I straightened my spine and braced myself.

I gently laid Jungkook on his bed, his semi-conscious state leaving him vulnerable. As I turned to leave the room, someone grabbed my hand, pulling me back. Before I could react, I found myself pressed against Jungkook's chest, our lips colliding in an unexpected kiss.

His lips were insistent, drawing mine into a fervent embrace. I was taken aback, my heart racing with a mixture of shock and confusion. Despite my initial resistance, I found myself succumbing to the intensity of the moment, my lips responding to his with an undeniable passion. Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the kiss, the world around us fading away into oblivion.

But then, a sudden realization jolted me back to reality—Taehyung.

With a pang of guilt, I tore myself away from Jungkook, my eyes flickering to his sleeping form on the bed. Emotions surged within me, a whirlwind of conflicting feelings overwhelming my senses. Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of my actions hit me like a ton of bricks.

I fled to the sanctuary of the bathroom, the sound of my sobs echoing off the walls. Gripping my arms tightly, I berated myself for my lapse in judgment.

"Why did I do that?!" I cried out, my voice trembling with anguish. "Why did I kiss him back? I can't allow myself to fall for him. I can't replace Taehyung!"

"Taehyung, eottokke?" I whispered, my voice barely a whisper as I pleaded for guidance from the one person who still held my heart.


Jungkook's pov

I lazily opened my eyes to the morning sunlight streaming through the window. As I sat up, a slight headache reminded me of my health last night My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Y/n sleeping beside me, her head slumped in an uncomfortable position, her face obscured by her tousled brown hair.

Recalling how she had helped me with the medicine, a mix of gratitude and guilt washed over me. Why did she stay up all night for me? I mentally scolded myself for putting her through unnecessary trouble. If only I hadn't lent my blazer, none of this would have happened!

But amidst my self-reproach, a spark of excitement flickered within me—Y/n cared for me! She had been worried about me! I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the next time I fell sick. But then reality struck, and I chided myself for being selfish.

"Hey, you awake?" Y/n's voice pulled me from my thoughts. She looked at me with concern. "How do you feel?"

"I... I feel embarrassed and helpless," I admitted.

She moved closer, placing a gentle hand on my forehead. "Your fever seems to be down. Freshen up and have your breakfast."

"I'm sorry. I caused unnecessary trouble for you. You shouldn't have stayed up all night," I apologized.

"It's okay," she replied with a slight smile before leaving the room.

As I sat down at the dining table, Y/n returned with a sandwich. But something seemed off—she appeared sad.

"Why do you look sad?" I asked, noticing the change in her demeanor.

"I think you should take a day off today," she deflected, avoiding my question. "I need to get ready." With that, she hurried off to her room, leaving me to ponder her sudden shift in mood.


There you go, another update! Vote so that I know you have given your precious time in reading this far. 🥺🥺
I love you thank you. 💜💜💜
A grt news!! BTS gonna have comeback soon!!😃😃

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