what's up duck

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His head was killing him.

He grones out moving to pull covers over him.


Eggs. Bacon. Toast?

Breakfast smells good.

... Wait.

Daffys eyes flash open. The room was not too bright. Curtains covering the window thankfully so his eyes won't be completely destroyed but the little bit of light still hurt.

This is not his room.

Panic hit him. Why is he in another's room? Is this a woman's house?? Where is he!? His eyes dart around.

It's clean. Simple gray curtens, a neat desk, soft silk sheets. Bedside tables and this one had a glass of water as well as a paper note folded up with a note.

Take if you have hangover

Daffy sits up and looks at the note then noticed a pill next to the glass of water. He recognised the pill taking many of them in his life to help cure hangovers. He grabs the pill amd swallowed it down with the water as he looked around again.

How did he get here? He's never woken up at a strangers house before. Sighing he pushed the blanket off.

He was still fully clothed but no shoes.

Thank God.

He moves and his eyes land on his orange shoes by the bed. "How nithe..." He mumbles.

Okey. Perhaps he got drunk and Insted of making his way home someone nice tryed to help him?

It's odd Becuse he rembers leaving the bar to go home right?

He moves and slides his shoes on. He has some unattractive kinda wide feet. He feels bad if the person here saw them.

Okey. He needs to thank whoever owns this house then leave. He has work early tomarrow morning so he needs to heal from this hangover and still grade a few papers before tomarrow.

Slowly he stood to ensure the world won't spin too much. He hopes the pill kick in fast. Though as he moved and open the door and peek out. It took him a moment but he realised he was on a upstairs floor.

Three other doors were up here that he glanced at before his eyes land on the stairs down the hall.

Kinda big place? Kids perhaps? Though Everythang looked so clean and kinda fancy.

Moving a bit sluggishly he managed to make it down the stairs. The smell of breakfast was rather mouthwatering.

Their were no pictures but some art was on the walls. They were rather basic though. They blend in with the calm clean look of the house.

Daffy felt you can Usualy lean about someone from their house. Bit this place didn't have much personality to judge.

It was rather east to find the kitchen. When He hit the bottom floor it first led him to the large living room with three three ways out. One that didnt have a door and the strong smell of food was clearly the correct one to find the person living here.

He moved and peeked in slowly trying to be sneeky but yelled stumbling backwards and onto his rear.

When He peeked around his nose literally brushed aginst the other person chest who was right their. It startled him badly that his first instinct was to run away but he tried over his own feet!

"Daffy are you okay?" The stranger asked moving and holding a hand out. Dafft looked at the White gloved hand then up at the young man.

He was young. But had gray hair? Rather handsome face with lovely blue eyes. He just looked perfect? Is that how someone can look?

And the guy knows his nickname?

"In am fine." He said reaching up and taking the hand letting himself be pulled up. Though his cheeks flush in co fusion when the other me and forward too close to his face causing him to lean back.

"Bounderieth thir." He said his free hand quickly coming up and pressing aginst the others chest to keep him back. And dam dose he feel toned!

The man however chuckles. "Ah. Sorry. You didn't seem to mind so much last night."

What dose that mean!? "Excuthe you?? What dothe that mean!?"

The man looks him over and daffy carefully pulled his hand free feeling very confused on what could have happened last night.

"I thought this might happen. You don't rember last night. Though you were rather drunk. Come here, I made you breakst. Ill fill you in on last night." He sways not really giving Daffy a chance to protest as he quickly moved a hand around daffy to lead him into the kitchen.

And damit all of his belly didn't grumble he would have just left.

"I'll summarize for you." He said putting a plate down that daffy was quick to go after not caring for his own sloppiness.

"I saved you from some guys who were ganging up on you. Seeing bullys anoys me." He said causing daffy to look up. He didn't rember that at all.

"You were really sassy for a guy who was heavily outnumbered. No offince daffy but don't try to scold people who are clearly wanting to fight you. Your lucky i was their to save your cute behind."

Daffy was half offended. But desided to only give the other a unamused look. "Well. I am thankful for the help. But keep commentth about my rear to yourthelf." He said a bit cross making the other lick his lips.

"Of course. Just playing aroumd. But after that happened you invited me to drink with you... We talked and after a while you kinda fell asleep on me. I didnt want to threw your stuff so I brought you to my home."

Daffy swallowed his last bite. "I thee..." He mumbles. Okey. Nothing too too bad happened.

"Thank you for helping me latht night. Though I'm thure I would have been fine without help. I've been threw wortht you know." He said low key trying to tell this person has not big on returning favers. He knows well he won't ask others for help unless he abusulty has to.

The stranger however grins. "I'm sure. You we're a lot of fun to talk to. I hope we can-"

"I'm gonna thtop you there. Look I am glad you helped me but i don't really do the whole... Hanging out with others." Unless they are paying of course. "I dont mean to be rude and-"

"Oh I know daffy. You find being nice to others annoying. You don't trust anyone... It's fine. With time I'll get you to open up to me again. Just like last night." The man said softly making daffy shudder.


"I just told you-"

"Daffy, last night i learned a lot about you. I like you. A lot. Your fun to be aroumd when you relax. You can be as stuborn as you want. But we will get along at some point."

Daffy glared at this man. What a creep! "Okey. I had enough." He said standing. "I'm leaving. And!" He moved grabbing another sausage.

"Im taking this." He said before turning and leavong.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ...

Bugs watched the frustrated man go. He's cute when mad. Last night he's never felt so pleased to be talking to another. That man is quirky and fun.

He will just have to bring that guys inner self out.

He's always loved a challenge.

Call him spoiled but hes good at getting what he wants.

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