Love at first night

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Bugs was board.

He moved into this town a week ago and finally got his house sorted out. To celebrate he desided to go out for a drink or two.

But it seemed most of the bars around the area were rather dead. You'll think with a college so close by bars will be filled with young adults drinking and having fun.

He could only pull his leather jacket over his shoulders more and debated just picking the next bar and dealing with it when something cought his blue eyes.

Their was two buff looking men Aprently having trapped someone aginst the wall.

Bugs sighed. He's no hero but he can't just ignore it either. So he moved closer to see what was going on but froze hearing the trapped persons voice.

"You two don't thee the point im making! If you jutht thtop horthing around and beating people up your gradeth will be better. I'm not about to change them jutht becuthe your mad."

"Look here professer- I don't care what you think. You either fix it or I break your face." One of the big guys growled pissed off.

"Look im thorry Willthin but I can't do it. Bethideth. Threatening me will only get you in truble if I tell authoritieth on you."

"You won't be telling anyone any-"

Bugs smiled a bit. Wow. They are picking on a drunk teacher. That's a first for him to hear of. "Okey boys I think I've heard enough." He called out causing the two to look back at him as he smiled holding his phone up.

"I've been recording you guys since the whole fix my grades or I'll break your face part." He said causing the two to stiffin one tirni g to look at bugs at last letting bugs see who they corrnored.

He almost dropped his phone.

The professor didnt look as old as he thought. He assumed the guy was in his 40s. But this man barely looked in his late 20s. He had cut short pure black hair and the brightest green eyes bugs has ever seen. A white choker was around the man's neck snugly that seemed to be many small pearls and he seemed to be in a fluffy sweatshirt that was also black but oddly extra fluffy in the chest area. For pants it was a dull orange color and he was in Orange shews as well.

The man was handsome even with the slightly drunk flushed face.

"This dosent fucking concern you." The man bit. "Walk away." He spat making bugs tilt his head. "I could do that. But I won't. You either walk away in the count of three or I'm sending this out." He said smiling.

The two stampred a bit before retreating making bugs chuckle. Too easy. Where's the challenge?

"Thank you!!" The professor calls moving to bugs smiling. "I can't beleave you were vidioing them." He said making bugs snicker.

"I wasent."

"You wernt?"

"Nope. But they didnt know that." Bugs said with a wink making the man pause then break out into a beutaful laugh that was loud and honest.

"Your crathy!"

"I think I can live with that." Bugs responds as the stranger shook his head. "Why don't you join me for a drink." The man said moving to go to the bar door of the building he was a moment ago pinned to.

"You buying?" Bugs asked dispite not really caring.

"Why would i do that?"

"... Becuse I helped you?" Bugs points out a bit confused.

"You did. But i didnt athk for help. Tho why expect a reward?" He asked raising a eyebrow and bugs was a bit stunned.

Huh. Is that considred rude? It didn't feel rude. If anythang it was kinda intresting.

"True... Sure. I'll join you." Bugs said following the other.

If only he knew what was about to happen. The professor sat down and ordered a shot as bugs sat next to him getting himself a beer.

"So professer... You never told me your name." Bugs said causing the stranger to look at him then his shot.

"You never told me your own either." He said taking his shot with a small smile.

"Bugs... Bugs bunny." Bugs said tilting his head.

"Bugth?? Really? That ith your actual name?" The man questioned surprised making bugs laugh a bit. "Its bugs. With a s." He said making the man froun.

"Are you making fun of me? Just becuthe I have a lithp dothe not mean I'm any lethh of a perthon you know!" The man hissed making bugs blink.

"Oh. I didnt even realise you had a lisp. I thought you were drunk... That means you have truble with the letters s and z right?" He questions making the stranger nod.

"Yeah... I do... Thtill... I live with it." The man sighs. "You have a strange name." He said going back to the previous subject.

"Its a nickname." Bugs mused making the stranger look up. "Tho bunny is not in your real name?" He asked looking dissapointed.

Bug frouns at this. "No. Why?"

"Becuthe... It would be cool to have met another with a animal in their name." He said making bugs grin.

"Really? What is your animal then?"

"I am dexthter duck Dogers." Dexster said grinning. "But... I thuppose you did help me. Tho you can call me Daffy." Daffy said with a grin.

"Daffy duck... It... Somehow fits." Bugs said. "Its cute."

Daffy however huffed at that. "I am not cute."

Bugs smiled. "Of course." He said as daffy ordred another shot.

It took a hour. Bugs came to realise daffy was not too open about himself. But after 4 shots the mans went into a drunken ramble of a rant.

"I wanted to be an acter! But noooo. No one wantth thomeone with a lithp! But itth fine." First bugs sat threw the ducks job life. He quickly realised something. Daffy was way more talented then he realised.

He also realised the man was a bit self centered. And he learned that daffy graduated early. He became a college proffeser at the age 25. And he's currently 27.

Not to mention daffy was quirky. He had this said about him that made bugs smile. Just something about this guy made bugs kinds feel good.

But he also had this virgin air about him. Bugs could just tell from the moment he tryed to ask about girlfriends and daffy quickly changed the subject looking embarssed.

"Daffy come on, guy to guy. What's your love life like?" He asked again watching daffy stick his bottom lip out in a pout.

"Ugh. What love life? I know I'm not perfect, I know I'm not all that handsome like you." He said causing bugs to blush at the unrealized complement.

So the duck thinks he's handsome.

"But I'm amathing too! If they would jutht give me a chance!" Daffy pouts out as bugs chuckles at the drunk.

"I would give you all the chances you could want." He half jokes causing daffy to look at him so hopefully.

Those beutaful green eyes a tiny bit watery with a flushed face, bugs shuddred a bit at his sudden arousal.

"R-really?" Daffy asked in a stutter that made bugs jave to swallow a bit hard.

"Yeah. Anythang for you duck." He said before suddenly he almost fell out of his seat as daffy grabbed his arm hugging it.

Bugs flushed. What he assumed was a sweatshirt was not what it seemed. The entire thamg was fluffy, the chest area more so then the rest, but bugs coulf feel on his bare elbow that the thang was on a thin shirt. When the man shifted bugs could easily threw the very soft fluff feel daffys chest.

It was smooth. And when his arm brushed aginst a nipple bugs wished it was in his mouth. The outfit was more sexy then he realised and his head was spinning.

"Your... Amathing..." Daffy managed out in a slur and after moment bugs realised the guy just fell asleep on him.

"Heh. Yeah. Rest up daffy. I'll take care of ya."

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