12 Grimmauld Place

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Hello fellow readers!

If you've reached this book after reading the first and second one I want to thank you all so much!
The support means SO much to me!

However if you haven't read the first and second book I recommend you read those before reading this one, you can find them in my profile.

Anyways, here's chapter one of book three!


"Severus," said Dumbledore, turning to Snape, "you know what I must ask you to do. If you are ready ... if you are prepared ..."

"I am," said Snape.
He looked slightly paler than usual, and his cold, black eyes glit­tered strangely.
"Then good luck," said Dumbledore, and he watched, with a trace of apprehension on his face, as Snape swept wordlessly after Sirius.

That night Dumbledore expected Severus to return to Voldemort, he had to still seem loyal to him if he was going to spy on Voldemort for Dumbledore, he had to make it seem as if he had been spying on Dumbledore though.

It had been two hours after the rebirth of Voldemort when Severus apparated into the graveyard, there was evidence of the duel that had taken place earlier between Harry and Voldemort.

If you are ready ... if you are prepared ..."

He said he was, but was he really? If he went back he couldn't get close to Alecto again, if any of the Death Eaters knew she meant the world to him, they'd use her against him.

Severus walked into the house and up the stairs and heard some voices, he stepped into a room and saw Lord Voldemort, with Wormtail not too far from him, and next to the dark lord, on the wooden floor was a large snake.

The pale face of Voldemort looked up and his eyes fell on Severus, "Ah, Severus." He whispered, it sounded almost like the cold hissing of a snake.

He stood up slowly, "After two hours. Only now, do you return to your master."

Severus looked down, his hair falling lightly infront of his face, "Forgive me, my Lord... I could not have come sooner, I did not want to arouse suspicion." He apologized softly.

"Yes..." Voldemort muttered, "I see you are now working for that old fool-"

"I have been spying my Lord- I can offer you a great deal of information about Dumbledore. Information that you may find entirely useful."

Voldemort stalked his way over to Severus and spoke after a few long seconds, "I see- intelligent- yet..."

"Yet you did not search for me, you did not try to find me."

"M-my lord..." Severus stuttered softly and looked up, "They were suspecting me as one of your followers, I had to-"

"You acted out of cowardice." The dark lord snapped.
Severus' eyes fell upon the ground again.

Voldemort sighed deeply, "Yet, I am pleased to see you here, you were one of my most loyal followers, Severus."

There was silence yet again.

"Do you remember Alecto Black?"

Those words stung straight into Severus' heart, he turned slightly paler and he blinked a few times, "Y-yes... daughter of Sirius Black."

Voldemort nodded, "Yes, I heard you had Obliviated her those couple years back."

There was more silence.

Black's Daughter And The Half-Blood Prince [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now