" We are alone right now. I suggest we drop the formalities."

I smiled faintly at the edge of my lips.

" Why? Are you going to mock me again like you did last time?" I said as I sipped my tea . . . bitter.

He was about to sip his tea, but stopped, his hand flinching.

Unfortunately for you, I am an expert in bullying.

He chuckled.

" What are you saying, Lady Pattinson?"

" I was just complying to your suggestion of no formalities, Ethan"

He smiled.

" Was it because I called you timid, and pusillanimous? "

Would you take a look at that?

Alexa, play "True Colors" by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick.

" Oh . . . Right. I'm timid and pusillanimous indeed. " I said, my voice cracking as I wiped my eyes, acting as if there were tears.

" You talk like an idiot."

" Of course I talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me?"

I saw a vein surfacing on his forehead.

Good. He was pissed.

" You're crazy." He said as he glared at me, no longer using a smile as a façade.

" Oh, sanity is highly overrated." I said as I ate a cookie.

He placed his teacup on the table with subtle force.

" Have you ever met a human version of a headache?"

" I do."

" I do as well, and what's bizarre is that she's eating a cookie right this moment."

I forced a smile.

" May the chocolate chips on your cookies turn out to be raisins."

" I love raisins."

Who in the world would like raisins over chocolate chips?

" You're weird." I blurted.

" We have something in common then."

I faked a smile.

" You're as sharp as a marble."

" Are you insulting me?"

" Oh not at all, milord. I'm describing you."

We both sipped our tea. What's this, water break?

" Why did you ask for tea?"

" I want to."

He crossed his arms.

" Oh, I have prepared a poem for you as thanks for the tea, milord."

He looked at me strangely, maybe because he expected bullsh!t.

And he was right.

" Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle one is for you."

His mouth slightly opened, shock visible on his face.

" You are batsh!t crazy . . ."

" Is your arse jealous of the amount of poop that comes out of your mouth?"

" . . . and vulgar."

" Coming from you—"

Suddenly we heard a loud scream—a girl's.

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