Star Necklace (SERIES AU)

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"Varian!" A voice shouted as the person jumped on Varian's back, startling the poor unsuspecting boy. "Hello~!" 

"Soul! Will you please stop doing that every time we see each other in public? Everyone's watching..." Varian requested, gesturing at the attention some passersby gave them.

Soul just giggled as she got off the alchemist's back, scratching her cheek. "Hihi, sorry. But to be honest, I really don't mind the attention. I am showing everyone you're mine." She said, smiling flirtatiously at the boy.

Varian went red at the girl's words, completely taken aback. Varian knew that he should be used to this by now since Soul always made flirty comments, claiming that he was hers ever since they were seven. But alas, Varian still gets flustered every time Soul does something like this.

"You really have no shame in saying those words, huh?" He asked, slightly ticked off.

"Nope! Why should I be ashamed if I was only being honest?" Soul replied as she shrugged with her eyes closed. "Anyways, what are you doing here in the kingdom? I don't usually see you here." She questioned, changing the topic.

"I'm here to get a few materials for a project I'm working on. I would have asked my dad, but he has his hands full at the moment." Varian answered, taking a piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to the lavender-haired girl.

Soul took the paper and unfolded it, and saw that it was a list of the things he needed. "You know the shops and stall here in the kingdom better than me. Think you can help me out?" Varian asked, fidgeting a bit.

"Sure! No problem. I was about to perform, but that can wait. I'd love to help you out." She accepted, smiling cutely. 

Despite the girl being an epitome of annoyance to the alchemist, he was really grateful to have a friend like Soul. "Thanks a bunch, Soul. Now, where to first?"

Checking the list, metal sheets were first on the list and Soul instantly knew where to go. "First stop, Xavier's blacksmith!" 


Soul and Varian spent the entire day circling the kingdom, looking for the materials Varian needed for his project. Usually, it would only take a while for them to collect the items but some of the shops were out of stock, so they had to look for another store that sells the item before crossing it out on the list.

"I know I said this before but, thanks for helping me out, Soul." Varian thanked, looking at the girl as they walked side by side to Old Corona.

"And as I said before, it was no problem. You're much more important than street performing." Soul replied, skipping a bit on her feet.

"Don't say that. Your street performing is much more important." He said, blushing slightly, averting his gaze towards the dirt path.

"Nah, I'd say you're more important by 3 points ahead than street performing. " Soul said, walking backwards as she turned to look at the alchemist. "And 1 point ahead than astrology."

"Wow, how am I much more important than astrology?" Varian asked, playfully scoffing as he raised a brow at the girl.

"Because I love you more than astrology!" She answered smoothly, turning around to walk normally, her back to the alchemist in an attempt to hide her blush.

Varian stopped walking as he stared at the girl walking and humming in front of him with a huge blush on his face. 

"Hey, it's almost getting dark. Why did you stop walking?" Soul asked, a few feet away from Varian. The alchemist shook his head, placing his gloved hand on his nose, covering the lower half of his face.

"Nothing, let's just go home." He stated as he speed-walked past the girl, confusing Soul.

"Huh? Hey! Wait for me."


"Thanks for walking me home." Soul exclaimed as they arrived in front of her house.

"I would say your welcome and to think of it as payment for helping me out, but it really can't be helped since our houses are just next to each other." Varian deadpanned. 

Soul laughed a little, scratching her cheek. "Right, right. Well, I'm going inside now. see you tomorrow." She waved, placing a hand on the doorknob but was held back by Varian. "Huh?"

"I saw this at the marketplace earlier, and uh, thought of you. You can have it if you want." He said, pulling out a star necklace, bashfully handing it toward the girl.

"Wow, I, I love it. Thank you." Soul responded as she took the necklace from the alchemist, putting it on. "How does it look?" She shyly asked.

"It looks good on you." Varian coughed, avoiding the girl's gaze. Soul smiled at her friend before waving goodbye.

"Well, this time, I'm really going in. Thanks for the necklace Var, I appreciate it. Goodnight." Soul said before opening her door and going inside her house.

"Bye." Varian replied, turning to leave the Rivers' yard and entering his home.



"What the heck got you looking like the Chesire Cat?" Gold asked, looking at his younger sister like she had three heads as Soul entered the common area, grinning widely.

"Oh, welcome home, dear. Have you got the things you and Varian were looking for?" Their mother asked as she peeked from the kitchen.

At the mention of Varian, Gold finally understood what got his sister all giddy as he laughed a little. 

"I guess you had a great time?" Wisteria guessed, smiling.

"The best!" Soul replied as she smiled wistfully, caressing the star pendant on her neck.

Stars in Alchemy (Varian X OC oneshots)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ