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This is so stupid.

Tara folded her arms as the other girls chatted about the different fashion brands they had modeled in the past. Why did they need to dress up for this small party? What was wrong with regular clothes?

"Why the long face?" Pearl suddenly asked, turning her attention to the green squid. "You should be happy!"

Now that everyone was focused on her, she began to feel slightly uncomfortable. Happy about the fact that she was alive? Sure, but she still hated parties. But Richie would be so insistent on her having fun...so she internally sighed and forced a smile on her face. "Nothing's wrong, just tired..."

Marina held up a pale pink dress. "What do you think, Tara?" she asked, holding it up against the shorter girl's body. "Try it on!"

She reluctantly shimmied out of her street clothes and put on the dress. She looked at it in the mirror for a few moments then shook her head.

"What about teal?" Marie suggested. "It'd match the scar."

Tara rolled her eyes as they all began discussing dresses again. She'd rather be with Richie right now.

Speaking of the magenta Octoling, he was currently chilling with Ashton and Cap. They had been able to pick out their outfits easily: Cap's old military suit, a black tux for Ashton, and a white button up shirt over black suspenders. Their bow ties were their respective ink colors.

"Should we go out and get the food still?" Ashton asked, looking outside. The sky was beginning to turn a faint pink color. "We still have time."

Cap nodded. All of them stood up at once, but the old Inkling made the two boys sit back down. "You young'uns rest. I'll take it upon myself to get refreshments!" he exclaimed. He ignored the protesting looks. He shuffled out of the door.

Ashton brought his knees to his chest and looked at the floor before speaking. "Richie...can I ask you something?" he asked, seemingly embarrassed.

Richie's eyes widened slightly at his sudden change in mood, but nodded.

The shorter boy sighed. "Will Tara ever want to play Turf War?"

"I-I haven't talked to her about it," the Octoling admitted, surprised by the question. "Why?"

Ashton smiled. "Come on. We haven't battled together in ages, and she's never been willing to," he insisted. "I was just thinking it would bring us closer."

That's right. I haven't told him about...that day, Richie thought. He winced internally as he remembered Tara's breakdown and felt guilt course through him. "Wait. What do you mean closer?"

"This is a little selfish, but...I feel like Tara doesn't entirely feel safe around me," Ashton admitted. I did try to kill her after all..."

"But you were hypnotized. You couldn't help it," Richie assured. He thought of when she had been under mind control as well. "Don't worry. She still thinks of you as a friend."

He still looked unsure, but hugged him anyways. "Thanks," he said softly, smiling. "Don't forget to ask her, alright?"

"AYO! FOOD'S HERE!" Pearl called, followed by some muffled scolding from Marina. The boys left the room and went outside to get the party started.

The sky was now a pleasant pink and orange, the paper lanterns all lit up. Of course, 'Calamari Inkantation' was playing now. Various snacks were set up on the table.

Callie and Marie were wearing matching dresses in their respective hues. Marina wore a knee-length pale yellow dress while Pearl wore a white tux shirt and a frilly skirt.

But the girl that caught Richie's eye the most was, of course, Tara. She was wearing a dark emerald green dress with a small black corset.

He walked over to her with a bashful smile on his face. "Tara, you look beautiful," he complimented, lifting her hand and kissing the back of it.

She blushed and mumbled a "thanks". They walked over to the table and each grabbed a small bowl of chips. They watched their friends dance for a bit.

"You know how happy I am?" Richie asked her, his crimson eyes glittering. "I know I probably said this a lot, but really...I am."

Tara rested her head on his shoulder. She was happy too. Everything was normal again, even though she had a feeling the peace wouldn't last for long. But she waved the notion away as she pulled her boyfriend out onto the makeshift dance floor.

"E-Eh? Tara?" he stuttered in surprise. A smile grew on his face as 'Ink Me Up' came on. They began to dance to the Splatfest battle song. It reminded them of their little house party; Richie's fresh nail polish was still intact.

The Squid Sisters watched them with proud smiles on their faces. Marie caught Ashton's eye from across the floor and gave him a small smile. He looked surprised, but he returned it with his own.

While she was moving around, Tara accidentally leaned too far back. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact but was caught by something. She looked up at Richie with wide eyes. They both started laughing and he twirled her around and dipped her again.

Cap was filled to the brim with warmth as he watched them dance. He shuffled over to the music player and selected 'Maritime Memory'. Marie went over to be his dance partner.

The rest joined together as couples and danced to the slow sweet tune. The air around them was filled with happiness. Anyone watching would be drawn to the sappy scene and think about their loved ones.

Tara remembered when she had saved the Great Zapfish from Octavio. Callie and Marie had sprung a surprise concert in the middle of the night as if it were a Splatfest. They had sang this exact song instead of 'City of Color' like they usually did. And she had watched Inklings dance happily to celebrate the return of their fishy friend with a proud smile on her face.

"I love you," she said suddenly to Richie, taking delight in the flushed expression that spread across his face. The nostalgia was making her soft.

"I love you too," he replied, his eyes shimmering with what he called 'love tears'. He tilted her chin up and kissed her as the song played its final notes.

Everyone began to disperse shortly after, taking snacks from the table and heading inside for the night. Richie and Tara decided to lay on the roof for a little bit and look up at the beautiful starry sky. 

Richie remembered what Ashton said earlier and opened his mouth to ask her something, but she poked his arm to get his attention first.

"Can we play Turf War?" she asked.

He looked at her in shock. Could she read his mind or something? "D-Don't you...hate it?" he asked. "I thought you never wanted to play again..."

She bit her lip. "Well...you have to admit, it does get boring staying at home," she said, resting her hand on top of his. "I just want to do something different...and to move on from the past..."

Richie's heart swelled. "Okay! Yeah, we can do it," he agreed, pulling her into a side hug. "We'll go as soon as we get back to Inkopolis!"

Tara smiled and closed her eyes, feeling sleep starting to claim her. She barely felt him pick her up and carry her to her room. All she could think about was the unfamiliar feeling of anticipation spreading throughout her.

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