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"Alright, 3!" 8 exclaimed as they walked through the door. He plopped the plastic bags stuffed with groceries on the counter and gave her a smile. "I'm going to go to play some Turf War after the map rotations, which should be happening in about 15 minutes. What do you wanna do in the meantime?"

3 thought to herself as she put away the groceries. She pointed to the couch and mimicked sleeping.

8 rolled his eyes playfully. "All you ever do is sleep," he said, and yawned a little. "But to be honest, I'm a little tired too. Maybe we shouldn't have woken up so early, heh."

The Inkling smiled and grabbed the blanket she had used last night. She was about to lay down before 8 stopped her.

"Hey, the bed is much more comfortable. We should sleep there instead," he said, tilting his head towards their room. 3 hesitantly nodded and followed him.

The agents laid down on top of the blankets. 8 set a timer on his phone to remind him about the map rotations. He stuffed it in his pocket and rolled onto his side to look at 3.

She was already fast asleep. It sure didn't take her long to go to Dream Land. Now that the room was light, 8 could see her clearly. The traces of her fearful expression slowly ebbed away as seconds ticked by. Seeing her like this reminded him of the Deepsea Metro.

3 had been surrounded by broken glass with a few small cuts on her hands. A spot on the back of her head was beginning to bruise. Even though she was out cold, she still looked peaceful. It was the same way when 8 had knocked her out of her partially sanitized state, and during his Turf War against the NILS Statue.

8 sighed, wishing he could forget the traumatizing experiences. Did she have stuff she wanted to forget too? She always seemed sad, even when she was smiling. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep; thinking was making him sleepy.

The sound of the alarm eventually woke them up 15 minutes later. 8 almost fell off the bed in shock while 3 calmly opened her eyes. According to his phone, the new maps were Walleye Warehouse and Moray Towers.

"Hey 3, do you wanna come watch me? I have some cool techniques to show you!" 8 exclaimed, his red eyes sparkling with excitement.

Still bogged down by sleep, 3 shook her head and laid back down. A small part of her did want to spend time with 8 though but she was feeling lazy.

"Come onnnnn!" 8 pleaded and picked her up. "You never do anything fun! So you're coming with me!"

3 was slightly offended. She never played Turf War, Ranked, or League, but there was more exciting stuff to do than any of those. The Inkling tried wriggling out of his grasp but he held her tightly.

"If you agree to come with me, I'll let you go," 8 said and smiled. 3 sighed and reluctantly nodded her head. He dropped her on the floor as he pumped his fist with excitement. "Oh...sorry!"

The two left the apartment again. Inkopolis Square was busy as usual. They went over to Pearl and Marina's studio window and 8 pressed his face against the glass childishly.

Pearl noticed the Octoling and said something happily to Marina. Both of them turned to the agents and gave a funny dramatic pose, laughing. 3 couldn't help but smile.

She petted Judd and Lil Judd behind their ears before she and 8 went into Deca Tower. Her smile faded as she realized that they were stepping into the lobby area. She started to back away but 8 grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry, I'll tell the system to let you spectate," 8 said cheerfully. "Could you hold this for a second?" He passed her his Splattershot as he typed into the keypad to sign himself up for a match.

3 didn't know that there was a way to spectate matches like this. Back in Inkopolis Plaza, people would have to physically go to the stage if they wanted to spectate. Then again, Inkopolis Square was much more modern and probably had technology that wasn't available in the Plaza.

An elevator opened up. 8 grabbed her hand (again) and they walked inside. The doors closed and waiting music started to play. It was surprisingly chill.

3 realized that she was still holding the Splattershot. She started to pass it back to him, but he held up a hand. "No worries, I got a backup!" he said, and produced a Kensa Octobrush from a compartment in the wall.

She just shrugged and pulled out her SquidPhone. A thought suddenly occurred to her. Why did 8 give her a weapon when she wasn't even going to play and he had another one? Her eyes widened with realization. She reached towards the button to open the door but it was too late. They were both teleported to a stage.

Oh no...

Living Situation || Agent 3 x Agent 8Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ