A Movie And A Show

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I love you, Fluff

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I love you, Fluff. I love you with everything I am

Spencers words echoed in your head all night, meaning sleep never happened. You wondered if he was sincerely just dreaming or if he meant it and was too afraid to tell you.

You've always loved Spencer, you knew that much. You had never believed in love at first sight until the day you walked through those glass doors of the BAU.

"... so she's taking names from the little black book." Taras words bringing you back to the present. You sipped your coffee, shaking your head slightly trying to push Spencers words aside. You leaned against the table, sighing.

"So why leave it behind this time? And also how did she go from poisoning to stabbing them 15 times. That's overkill if I've ever seen it." Simmons stated from his corner.

You were getting frustrated. All we knew was these men had high profile jobs, and called the same number the night they died however when Garcia looked up the number, it was a dead end.

"She's devolving, she'll make a mistake. They always do." Emily was right but in the mean time these men were being killed. You chewed at the inside of your cheek.

It's gonna be a long fucking day


"Alecia Ferguson put the knife down" You shouted, gun drawn at the blonde in front of you. Penelope was able to get a trace of the phone which lead you all to a hotel room on the strip.

"They deserve this. All of them cheaters and liars. Breaking up their families and for what? Some sex? They don't care so why should I?" Tears streaming down her face.

Her father had abandoned her for a call girl when she was a child. As Alecia grew she wanted revenge on these men who were doing exactly what her father did to her. Her father was the end game. He was a criminal defense lawyer who refused to pay alimony or chid support to Alecias mother. This left them to struggle until Alecia was old enough to work.

"What your father did was wrong but these men don't need to die for his actions. Put the knife down and we can help you get the revenge you want on your father." Spencer tried desperately to calm her down. Alecia looked around the room, a realization hitting her that she wasn't going to make it out alive if she hurt the man in front of her.

Alecia dropped the knife and Luke moved in to cuff her. Spencer holstered his gun, walking towards the man who was tied to a chair, working to untie him.

You put your gun away, trying to settle your breathing, happy that you finally caught your unsub.


Everyone filed into the jet. You moving to sit at the table, taking the window seat. You reached into your bag and pulled out your book, cracking it open, eyes scanning the page. You tried desperately to focus on the words in front of you, but your mind was stuck on Spencers midnight confession.

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