Chapter 6: Faceless (part 1)

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And so, before he even made one step away from her, he turned at the speed of light, his open fan shattered the lower part of her mask and...

Cut all the way through her neck.

When Douma arrived back at his estate, he immediately went to his room to put the flower crown in water. He couldn't let the blue spider lilies wilt, the woman on the mountain was right about that. And he could at least grant her last wish.

What a shame... If she didn't refuse his offer, she would still be alive. He wanted to know more about her but the cons were greater than the pros. The demon scoffed. He didn't even get to eat her because her body fell into the clearing just seconds before sun peeked out from behind the mountains.

To be honest, killing her proved much easier that he expected. She probably extracted something from the lily only that one time when she avoided her execution and the effects wore off after a while. Seems like the only thing she had left was eternal youth... at least she died young and beautiful. Then again, he never got to see her face properly since it was covered. Maybe she wore the mask because she wasn't beautiful. But who knows, he didn't care anymore.

His smile grew as he remembered that the precious flowers were right there, in his room, only waiting to be delivered to his Master. He turned to the bowl of water holding the crown so he could admire it's beauty but what he saw next made him freeze.


The smile vanished just as quickly as it first appeared. This had to be a joke, a dream! Was that jurney all for nothing? Or... did the witch just play him? Maybe she knew more than she let on. Maybe she wanted to die because then no one would get her secrets out of her.

There, it the water was a floating flower crown. But it wasn't made of fully azure and deeply red spider lilies anymore. The so called rare plants were dripping with melting blue paint revealing just a normal bloody red.

Were they all fake? Did she never find a blue spider lily, was that the reason why she 'isn't the one that found them'? A girl living on a mountain, speaking in riddles, carrying painted flowers on her head... she really got him good. And now she was gone, just like the wind, along with her confusing words.

This mission was a failure, luckily he never told Master Muzan about it. A fruitless search, really... He would forget her and act like this all never happened.

When Giyuu woke up again, the woman was nowhere to be found. He didn't know for how long he's been asleep but a thing he did know was that now his body hurt significantly less.

It was probably the medicine she made me drink he thought.

He let his mind wonder back to her and the story she had been telling him before he dozed off. It was so similar to the one he's heard from Kentaro down in the village but so different at the same time. It sounded like it was the same situation, only from Kii's point of view. But could he really trust the words of a random woman? How would he know she wasn't lying to him just to make him like her and not kill her.

There was still the fact that she saved them from death tho, and without any proper reason other than wanting to do so. That made her words a little bit more believable since... why would someone like that just lie straight into his face?

Deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the door sliding open.

"Ah, you are awake. Are you feeling better?" her voice sounded right next to him.

He jerked away, startled by it. He looked at the woman in front of him and heaved a heavy sigh before laying back down. Wait... how could he move so easily without more pain than a dull ache in his body? He quickly turned his head to face her again. Then he saw a smile stretch across her lips.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now