Chapter 30: History of Blood

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"Wait, at least tell me who you are! Or... what you are..."

"I am quite similar to those we call demons. But whatever they may say, I would never call it being immortal... I'm just one of the undying."

She was walking next to Uzui, Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru, leading her horse by its reins so the others wouldn't fall behind. She has already changed into a much more appropriate attire, the one she used to wear before she recieved her uniform. Still, she missed her haori dearly, nothing could ever replace it. After all, it was a gift from her teacher. She sighed, making her companions turn their gazes towards her.

"You okay there, (Y/N)-chan?" asked Hinatsuru.

She nodded but said nothing, too deep in thought. It hasn't even been a whole day and she has already become rather close to the Sound Pillar's wives. Maybe it was because she and him had been friends for months now, or maybe because she knew so much about them from his stories already. Neverless, it made her happy that they accepted her so quickly. It was quite confusing actually. How come they didn't call her a monster after she did what she did? Was it because she saved their husband? Or were these women just so understanding that they simply didn't have it in them to judge her for things she couldn't change?

Some guilt has left her after revealing her identity to these people but another wave of it was pushing her down, screaming that they were just too nice to say they hated her. But it would come soon, she was sure of it. Once they knew she could have saved Kyojuro but didn't, they would drive her out like a pest, like a demon. And they wouldn't be wrong to do so, she was more than guilty, she deserved it. She was nothing more than a monster, a liar, a bomb with its fuse just miliseconds away from bringing a destructive explosion. When would her teeth become fangs and nails turn to talons again, when would she go on another bloody rampage like on that day in the woods? She had no idea. But she was aware that it almost happened again when she was fighting Daki in Yoshiwara... and that meant that it was probably closer than she could have ever expected.

She sighed again, making the rest of her little group look at her with concern written all over their faces.

Her (E/C) eyes were trained on the dusty road, trying to figure out how she would tell Ubuyashiki, the other hashiras and the whole Demon Slayer Corps about who she really was. She thought back to the three boys that were with them in the Red Light District. The Kakushi found them all sleeping, littered with serious injuries. She wanted to help them but the masked people shooed her away, saying that she should leave it to the professionals. It was her fault again. Even tho she promised herself to do anything to protect them all, she still held back. She should have used all of her Breath styles to the fullest, she should have used that Breath style... If she did, no one would have had to get hurt. The citizens of Yoshiwara wouldn't be scarred for the rest of their mortal lives or, even worse, dead. Oh, how she regretted not killing 'Warabihime' on the first day she layed her eyes upon her deceitful face. The demon's words rung through her head.

"Demons don't age. We don't need money to eat. We don't fall sick. We don't die. We don't lose anything."

Her eyes burned with unshed tears as she grit her teeth to the point where they would break if she was a normal human. We don't lose anything, she said? Lies! She was just like a demon, only with minor differences, and she has lost everything. She lost the ability to die, to live every single day as if it was her last because her final moments were probably decades away. She lost the basic understanding of other living beings because of how different she was... she forgot how easy it was to die.

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