Chapter 3: Wisteria trees

Start from the beginning

And through the years she's lost her drive.

For not revealing how to heal

She was a witch and nothing else

Forget her kindness, made devil's deal

It was dark magic, evil spells."

Of course a demon like her would never reveal her methods to humans... It had to be a Blood Demon Art, although he has never heard of one that would actually heal others. Something like that was pretty useless for demons. How dumb could these humans be tho? Maybe she ate one or two every once in a while but she was still their salvation. And they just decided to end her, how tragic.

"Cried days and nights, she never stopped

Witch in a cell, waiting to burn

There on a cold bed she lied and hoped

It would be painless and over soon.

Her father found her on that bed

All of her wounds still slowly bled

The father broke down, she was dead

There was a body... but no head."

Wait, so someone killed her? Douma was confused now. There was no reason for the villagers to behead her since she was already supposed to get burned alive. Maybe out of mercy? Or did a demon slayer get to her first and sliced her head off?

"Before she burned, why did she die?

Rumors like evil illness spread

That she is alive, that witch is sly

Girl with blue spider lilies on her head

Then passed some years, old blacksmith died

Buried him far behind the town

By that cold gravestone someone cried

Wore a bright blue and scarlet flower crown."

Ohh, I see what she did there thought Douma. The woman probably cut her head off herself with a normal blade and grew a new body out of it. What a smart young girl, she left her dead body behind and walked out whole!

"Another blacksmith after decades

He had a daughter and a wife

Oh, what cold fate the world still prepares

He thought he'd have a happy life."

The cult leader grinned wildly inside, he knew where this was going. The demon girl was going to terrorize the town for all eternity and have her revenge on the pitiful people living there. Beautiful! Amazing! Spectacular! He couldn't wait to hear the end of this song.

"Up from the mountains, a witch came down

Angry at world and the whole village

She hurt the blacksmith, made his wife drown

Talked to the daughter, then turned her savage

And suddenly, just like a glitch...

The girl became another witch.

Wait, did she really? Was the witch capable of turning someone into a demon too? Wait, the blue spider lily was what made master Muzan into a demon all those centuries ago! Maybe she never got turned into a demon, she did it herself. She must have eaten the flower. That would explain why she never revealed her secrets to his Master - because he wasn't her master... This was dangerous, he had to check it and soon or this could put a major hole in all of his plans.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now