Chapter 7: Total War

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After a short while, we arrived at his office.

“Well then, Major Von Staufenberg. Please speak.” The General said to me 

“If I may be allowed to speak frankly, General. I believe that the continent is on it’s way to Total War,” I stated.

“Oho? Total War? How do you say so, Major?” General Von Moltke seemed as if this got his attention.

“General, if you look at the map, the Empire is directly at the heart of the continent. As such, it is in a uniquely advantageous position in both strategic and economic terms. Because of this, the old powers of the continent definitely don't want this new power to emerge in this continent that they have dominated for centuries. This is evident by the set of alliances within the continent. First off, the Republic and the Commonwealth, they have been enemies for centuries and suddenly, just a couple of years after the Empire was established, they have suddenly signed a tripartite alliance with the Soyuz Federation. This tripartite alliance is more than guaranteed made to surround the Empire. This was evidenced by the start of the Republic in fortifying its border with the Empire and stationing several divisions near said border. Next, the Commonwealth, although it has the official stance of neutrality in the affairs of the continent. It has constantly meddled in the affairs of the continent, namely the Londinium Naval Treaty which has set limits for the expansion of our kriegsmarine and allowed the Royal Commonwealth Navy to dominate the seas of our continent. Additionally, according to reports that I’ve read during my time in Norden, the Commonwealth has been sending guns, ammunitions, supplies, and men that will train their soldiers using tactics of the Commonwealth to the Northern Entente Alliance. If we look at the current situation of the Soyuz Federation, the civil war might be close to dying down and as such, it is currently unclear as to whether they will still honor the non-aggression that was signed before. Therefore, we must still keep an eye on the Soyuz Federation but as of now, it is still pretty safe to assume they will not be joining this hypothetical Total War, General,” I confidently said as I finished my speech.

“Interesting! Well then, Major, how do you suppose we will fight in this theoretical total war?” General Von Moltke asked with a gleam in his usually very calm eyes.

“General, before we fight, it is of the utmost importance that our fighting doctrine must change,” I replied to him

“Oh? Then what doctrine do you propose we should use then?” The General asked.

“We must use the doctrine of Mobile Warfare, General,” I answered.

“Mobile Warfare?” The General seemed confused by my answer but nonetheless, his interest is still there.

“I meant the usage of motorized troops, tanks, aircraft, armored cars, and radios. A war of movement, if you will, General.” I answered to clarify my usage of the term.

“Just a second, Major. I understand the tanks, aircraft and the others. However, I can’t seem to get my head around  as to how radio will be effective in the implementation of Mobile Warfare,” General Von Moltke asked.

“General, since we are using a fast moving tactic, it will be almost impossible to use messengers as they are slow and by the time they reach their destination, it is almost guaranteed that either the front has already moved forward or retracted. This will also include telegraph stations as they take time to set up and also require the use of messengers which brings me back to my first point. That is why, radios will be the primary method of communication and coordinating attacks using this doctrine,” I answered to General Von Moltke who was rather taken aback by what I said. However, he still has managed to keep up the calm façade.

“Last question, Major. Let’s go back to your Total War theory. How do you suppose the old powers will try to declare war on the Empire?” General Von Moltke asked to me suddenly.

I was suddenly surprised by this question as I didn't expect this type of question. I have to act fast or General Von Moltke’s impression of me will decrease. 

“We-well, General, I believe that the others will try to use our war with the Northern Entente Alliance as a pretext for war along the lines of peacekeeping,” I answered as I suddenly remembered that in my past life that the USA used these ‘Peacekeeping’ missions to secure their national interests.I didn’t expect I would be saved by my knowledge from my previous life.

Suddenly, General Von Moltke stood up from his seat and with a glimmer in his eyes exclaimed, “INTERESTING! MAJOR! I’ll be commissioning you to write a paper about your Total War Theory and The Doctrine of Mobile Warfare”

“Understood, Sir!” I answered to him

“Very well then, you may now go, Major” General Von Moltke said to me

“What a brilliant child! Something like this shouldn’t even be possible to be thought up of by a child! She accurately theorized what we, the General Staff, has been planning for years and she even knows about our highly classified Mobile warfare doctrine! What kind of child is she?!” General Von Moltke said to himself after Von Staufenberg left his office.

After a few months, my paper entitled, “The Total War Theory and Mobile Warfare” was published; however, it was published with an anonymous name as I was still a student of the Imperial Army Officer School. 

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