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Chapter 11 Aelin POV

Tracking Lysandra was too easy. Way too easy. After a couple of miles I just got to bored with it.

I dropped down beside her. "Let's talk." Her faces paled but nodded anyway. We quickly walked to the park just beyond the college campus. "I'll let you explain what you know, I won't interrupt. Then I'll tell you what I know."

She swallowed then begin."Well the night before. Sam scouted for Ben. Why Ben didn't scout for hisself we'll never know. I think you were arguing with Arobynn about your assignment I'm not sure. The next day I had to go to Arobynn and service him. He took all of his frustration out on me. Ben helped me back to my rooms on the keep. But had to leave that night for his mission. He was supposed to dispatch Ioan Jayne, then I believe either you or Sam were supposed to take out Rourke Farran. It was a trap though. Because Ben never came back." There were tears falling down her disgustingly beautiful face now. "I had terrible nightmares that night. Of everyone I cared about being tortured. You, Sam, Ben, and even Wesley. You all were being tortured by Farren and Arobynn. Sam heard me and came in there to comfort me. You found us the next morning. I think you were looking for Sam to tell him about Ben. You retrieved his body from Farrens. Before I could wake Sam you left." We sat on a bench letting the quiet night absorb us. "Arobynn was so pissed when you left. He beat Sam because he blamed him."

"I was supposed to scout with Sam that night. But I was arguing with Arobynn. He wanted me to take a job that I refused to do. So he threw me into the cells for the rest of the night. He only let me out when he needed me to go get Ben. I only found out later on that Ben was trying to protect me from this job. He betrayed Arobynn to help me. That why Arobynn set the trap for Ben. But Sam had also helped. Sam never wanted me to leave because he could never leave." I looked over. "I didn't just run because I found you two. I just convinced myself that was the case. But there was so much more that was happening I just didn't want to see it at the time." I wasn't ready to tell her that Sam was Arobynns son.

I took a deep breathe. "What are you intentions with Aedion? You said you were in love with Ben. Are you using Aedion for a rebound?"

"No. I'll never be over Ben. But I honestly didn't know you were related. I've thought your real name was Caleana all along. But I truly like Aedion. We've gone on a couple of dates, and he reminds me of Ben. In a good way." Aedion had looked truly happy untill I noticed who it was.

Thinking it over. An idea formed in my head. "If you aren't going to screw Aedion over I don't mind if you keep seeing him. I've been trying to protect everyone from my past. It just keeps coming back though."

"Well let me tell you that Arobynn has relocated the Guild to Rifthold. He no longer has the estate in Terresan. I'll try to find out what he plans on doing with you here. But please be careful. I've missed your friendship."

"I've missed you too. I'll talk to Aedion and you can come to the house whenever you feel like it."

I gave Lysandra my number then left. I called Dorian to see if he was awake but he informed me he already had "certain" company over. So I just started walking back to the house.

I kept running the plan over and over again in my head. I still needed someone in The Keep. Could I trust Lysandra enough to place her there? The past year I've been slowly placing trusted individuals into Maeves and Arobynns businesses. To gather data on the business and to eventually take it down from the inside.

Running through every possibility my mind went to Rowan. He called me tonight. I was expecting Aedion or Fenrys to call first. But it had been Rowan. Fenrys is good match. But we can never get past the fact that we are just friends. Neither one of us feels anymore attachment then just that of friends and occasional hookups. However Rowan.

Last year at the club, he almost discovered who I was. I knew he had been tracking me because Maeve wanted to know for sure if I was Celaena. I just got to distracted with him. Rowan just felt like home. He was a constant comfort. Especially of late. Anytime I had that wasn't filled with class, the plan, or Fenrys and  Aedion I tried to spend it with Rowan.

I was almost asleep when he came home tonight. I heard everything he told Fenrys. The blanket was a kind gesture too. My thoughts kept spinning around Rowan the entire walk home.

About two blocks from the house I had a sudden sharp pain in my shoulder blade. I looked and there was an arrow pointing out. Fuck. I took of toward the house.

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