It's currently 3:40 when I finally make to the training area. It turns out that it's located in the back of the academy, about 100 feet behind the main building. From what I understand, there is also an indoor section that has basic work out machines, which, in all honesty, I'm scared of using. The outdoor section looks more like a battle arena where males would come by in order to settle differences. I gulp nervously as I approach, but the place looks completely empty. Shouldn't there be at least someone here? I know there's over a week until classes start, but it's too quiet... In fact, it's eerie...

I give a soft sigh, inhaling the humid spring air as I walk towards the dummies. They look like small wooden soldiers. Light brown helmets are carved on top their un-animated and cold faces. A thin series of weapons lie in their left hands, the tip pointed and made of a shimmering silver metal. The spear head is the only part of the statues that is not a dull brown colour and, for some reason, it makes it seem even more dangerous. I move to the farthest on the left and get into a fighting stance. My right foot moves behind me for balance and I bend the knee slightly so I can rush the target. My arms lift in front of me, my hands balling into tight fists. I quickly analyse the dummy, wondering what this kind of training entails. They must be enchanted in some way, or people would easily break them. Nothing happens whilst I stand there, so I decide to attack. Pushing off with my back leg, I dash forward, the plan running through my mind. A quick kick to the left side, follow with a blow to the jaw. I plan on treating this dummy just like a real person in a real fight. Unfortunately, my plan is cut short and I skid to a stop, my heels digging into the soft dirt. In a flash, the dummy had moved and I now have the sharp tip of a spear pointed at my neck.

"W-what the hell..?" I demand and jump back, stopping when I feel like I'm at a safe distance. The second I move away, the wooden warrior returns to its previous stance and becomes immobile. So that's how it's going to be... Should I attack at a distance then? I have a feeling that doing so will end no differently, but I might as well try. My eyes slowly close as my thoughts shift to the air around me. This element is by far my strongest connection to. At my call, a breeze picks up, lifting my hair ever so slightly from my shoulders.

"Stronger..." I whisper, and the wind complies, the small breeze forming into a powerful gust. It whips around me relentlessly, the energy building up until my command releases it.

"Attack..." At my words, the powerful current is sent barreling towards the soldier. I see it begin to animate while the gusts act as invisible knives, ready to slice it in half. There's no way that it can avoid this attack. I see the metal tip glint from the sunlight as the soldier swings, trying to slice the current. It's then that I notice that the metal isn't reflecting the sun, it's actually glowing a dull yellow colour. In the instant that the metal slices through the large gust, everything grows still and silent. My attack has been completely nullified... To make matters worse, the statue doesn't settle back down, but instead begins slowly moving towards me, it's wooden feet clanking against the ground. I try to keep myself calm as I assess the situation at hand. First, the statue moves only when attacked, except now for some reason. It takes another step, snapping a semi-large branch under its weight. Second, it's spear seems to be able to nullify my powers. I move back a step, my gaze not wavering from the approaching soldier. Then I need to focus on that spear. If I can disarm it, then I might be able to win. Another key fact is that the soldier is slow and heavy, meaning agility is my best tool to use. I'm about to rush forward when I remember it's original block. It was fast, almost impossibly fast. The soldier's speed must depend on my distance from it. Then my only option is to end this as quickly as I can. I dig the ball of my right foot into the ground so that I can push myself forward for a quick attack. As I suspected, the statue's speed quickly increases.

I swing my left fist, planning on following up with a roundhouse kick from my right leg. A sharp pain in my left hand, a blow to the back of my knees, and suddenly I'm on the cool ground with a spear tip pressed against my neck. It bites into my skin and my entire body tenses in fear. Just what is this thing..? I don't know how long we stayed like that, but eventually, the soldier begins to move away, the spear slowly inching back until I feel that it's safe to move. I push myself up, feeling the chilled light green grass blades poking through the spaces between my fingers. The soldier has already returned to its original position, it's blank, carved eyes almost seeming to look down on me. A scowl forms on my lips and I dust the dirt off of my clothes. This shirt is probably ruined now. White fabric verses dark brown dirt; we all know who the winner is. I sigh softly and give one last look at the dummy, half expecting it to move. In the quick glance, I could have sworn that a smirk was resting on its wooden lips, but when I glance back, it is cold and emotionless again. I must have been imagining it.

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