Chapter 15

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Day 1

Lisa: Roseanne, I’m so so sorry.

Lisa: I know I hurt you and don’t deserve you, but I just want you to know I’m truly sorry.

Lisa: I’m dumb.

Lisa: Like, if they were to make another Dumb and Dumber movie, I’d be cast as both.

Lisa: I know it’s not funny, but… I mean it. I really am sorry.

Lisa: I meant it, you know… I didn’t sleep with Tzuyu. She just needed a ride, and I couldn’t say no… I should have but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t…

Lisa: I miss you, Roseanne.

Lisa: A lot.

Day 2

Lisa: So I made a vow to quit drinking. And partying. And just being my stupid, dumb self.

Lisa: I know it sounds like an excuse or a pointless promise, but I mean it.

Lisa: I guess I just wanted you to know that…

Lisa: I miss you… and Axel. I hope you’re both doing well.

Day 3

Lisa: I got an A in my Econ and Management classes.

Lisa: Good chances of graduating on time, according to my professors and adviser.

Lisa: Just wanted you to know.

Day 4

Lisa: I really wish I had a fucking time machine…

Day 5

Lisa: Got any plans for the weekend?

Lisa: I was thinking… maybe we could grab dinner?

Lisa: or coffee?

Lisa: I’d do just about anything, Roseanne… anything to get you to talk to me.


Lisa lugged herself out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen Saturday morning, irritated that no breakfast had been prepared since the cooks were off on the weekends. She groaned, pulling open the fridge doors in search of sustenance. Her eyes immediately landed on a case of Coronas, chilled and inviting, and her hand did that twitchy little thing it always does when she feels the need… the crave… the pull. She reached forward; carefully dodging the beers and grabbing the carton of eggs nestled right behind it.

She knew before she even started her attempt at making eggs that this would end badly. She sighed, and proceeded anyways, figuring Tiffany was probably out running her usual Saturday errands and wouldn’t be home to cook anytime soon. She pulled down a frying pan and a spatula, and placed the pan over the crackling fire. She realized she poured a little more oil than needed and reached for the eggs, cracking four into the already sizzling liquid.

Her phone pinged, and Lisa darted for it, dropping the spatula against the granite countertop carelessly. She smiled once she read the name reflected on the screen.

Axel: Hi Lisa! Where have you been??? I miss your face *Alien Face Emoji*

Lisa: Been home, moping. Sobbing. Being a big, fat baby since your sister dumped me. Which I totally deserve, because I’m a dick. (deleted)

Lisa: Hey Kiddo! Been… busy. School, and other things.

Axel: When are you taking me on a tour of Manoban, Inc.?!?!?! Huh?? HUUUUUHHHH????

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