"So tell me, you two are dating right? Right?" Polnareff was asking the same question for a several minutes by now.
"Polnareff I said no," Jotaro growled.
"But you two are holding hands."
"It's because (Y/n) gets lost so easily," Jotaro looked down at you.
"Well, we're just gonna wait here, you can let go of (her/him/them) you know."
"I don't want to."
"So you two 'are' dating!"
"Jeez. You two have to be dating."
"Pol, we aren't.."
"But you two were kissing just minutes ago."
"That's um...."
"I wad just looking for (Y/n)'s weak points."
"But why kiss?" Polnareff didn't seem to get bored of this.
Jotaro stayed silent, he had nothing else to say. You were flustered already.
"Okay, fine. We're dating so what?"
"Jotaro!!" you elbowed him.
"I... I didn't say that... I.. I like... you..."
"So what? You like me anyways."
"Jotaro, you didn't even confess to (her/him/them)? How irresponsible."
"Oi, I know that (she/he/they) like(s) me already. It isn't that hard to tell."
"I... never said...."
"You like me, right?" Jotaro got down to your level.
"Eh?! I... I don't know!"
Polnareff chuckled behind, Jotaro was keep on asking you if you liked him back.

"It's almost 9:00... they might have encountered an enemy," Jotaro said looking down at his watch. You were sitting down on the ground, half dead with Polnareff keep on asking you if you were okay. Iggy was walking in circles around you.
"Maybe we should go look for them," Polnareff got up. Iggy walked over to you to lick your face.
"Yeah. (Y/n), you still there? We gotta go," Jotaro looked down at you.
"I.. yeah..." you slowly got up, Iggy followed you from behind.

Iggy suddenly turned to the other way, making you look back at him.
"Hmm? What's wrong Iggy?"
He ran away, leaving you puzzled.
"Let's go," Jotaro placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Ah, what a lovely couple you two make. I hope I can find a girlfriend soon to make you two jealous," Polnareff snickered.
"Good grief. You're getting annoying like Gramps, Polnareff."

You three arrived in front of Mr. Joestar's room. Jotaro pushed you behind, you grumbled.
"Polnareff don't let your guard down. And (Y/n), stay out of this. You need to heal your wound," Jotaro said as he reached for the door knob. You grumbled and rolled your eyes. Jotaro ruffled your hair and opened the door slowly.
It was empty.
"Mr. Joestar and Avdol aren't here. It doesn't look like anything happened, either," Polnareff looked around the room. You stood outside, your arms crossed. They soon came out of the room.
"They're not in the room," Jotaro said as he grabbed your hand.
"Yeah, something seems suspicious to me," Polnareff said, walking ahead.
"We should find them before they're found dead," Jotaro pulled you, you sighed and walked next to him.

You guys have been walking for a while. Mr. Joestar and Avdol was nowhere in sight, it made you worry.
"Hey, Jotaro! There's an enemy Stand user! An enemy appeared!" you heard Polnareff shout from behind. You two looked behind but Polnareff wasn't there.
"Where are you, Polnareff?" Jotaro looked around.
"Jotaro, over here!" you heard Polnareff's voice from somewhere. You two looked around, still no sign of Polnareff.
"He must've ran after the enemy," you said, sighing.
"Hmm... why can't we just have a normal date by now," Jotaro grumbled.
"C'mon. We can go on a date after getting the enemy," you patted his back.
He hummed and pulled you.

You two looked around, there was no sign of Polnareff, just like he disappeared midair.
"Jo-. Jo..." you two looked behind to see a kid.
"Hey, kid. Did you see a French guy pass by?" you crouched down.
"Um... he's about this tall and has a hair similar to yours," you tried to explain to the kid.
"Th-that's me! Me!" the kid pointed himself.
"Good grief. There's no use in asking a kid," Jotaro pulled you up. You were forcefully pulled away from the kid by Jotaro.
"You know, your strength sometimes make me ache," you said as you turned, facing the front like Jotaro.
"Good grief."

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